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Secondary bifurcations of hexagonal patterns in a nonlinear optical system: alkali metal vapor in a single-mirror arrangement

Gomila, Damià; Ackemann, Thorsten; Grosse Westhoff, Edgar; Colet, Pere; Lange, Wulfhard
Physical Review E 69, 036205 (1-12) (2004)

Secondary bifurcations of hexagonal patterns are analyzed in a model of a single-mirror arrangement with an alkali metal vapor as the nonlinear medium. A stability analysis of the hexagonal structures is performed numerically. Depending on the wavenumber of the hexagons different instabilities are predicted. Some of them take place at a finite wavenumber and result in the formation of structures with twelve spatial modes. These structures are compared with those observed experimentally.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.036205 
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