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Broad lifetime distributions for ordering dynamics in complex networks

Toivonen, R.; Castelló, X.; Eguíluz, V.; Saramäki, J.; Kaski, K; San Miguel,M.
Physical Review E 79, 016109 (1-8) (2009)

We search for conditions under which a characteristic time scale for ordering dynamics towards either of two absorbing states in a finite complex network of interactions does not exist. For this, we study random networks and networks with mesoscale community structure built up from randomly connected cliques. We find that large heterogeneity at the mesoscale level of the network appears to be a sufficient mechanism for the absence of a characteristic time for the dynamics. Such heterogeneity results in dynamical metastable states that survive at any time scale.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.016109 
Identificador ArXiv 0808.3318 
Fitxers PRE_BroadLifeTDistrib_2009.pdf (439198 Bytes)
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