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Dynamical instabilities of dissipative solitons in nonlinear optical cavities with nonlocal materials

Gelens, L.; Gomila, D.; Van der Sande, G.; Danckaert, J.; Colet, P.; Matías, M. A.
Physical Review A 77, 033841 (1-7) (2008)

In this work we characterize the dynamical instabilities of localized structures exhibited by a recently introduced [Gelens et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, 063812 (2007)] generalization of the Lugiato-Lefever model to include a weakly nonlocal response of an intracavity metamaterial. A rich scenario, in which the localized structures exhibit different types of oscillatory instabilities, tristability, and excitability, including a regime of conditional excitability in which the system is bistable, is presented and discussed. Finally, it is shown that the scenario is organized by a pair of Takens-Bogdanov codimension-2 points.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.033841 
Identificador ArXiv 0810.2808 
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