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Nonlinear dynamics and synchronization of bidirectionally coupled semiconductor lasers

Vicente, Raul (Director C.R. Mirasso)
PhD Thesis , (2006)

What type of dynamical instabilities will arise when coupling two or more similar SLs? Under what conditions will these instabilities be able to come into sync? How does a delay in the interaction between two of such systems affect their synchronization? How do the number of units in an array of SLs and the topology of the network of connections influence their state of sync? Which features of synchronization are model-independent and which are specific to the details of the SL nature? Certainly, with such interesting questions some efforts have already been made in order to explore the instabilities in mutually coupled configurations of lasers. However, a general overview of the mechanisms of synchronization in the presence of a time delayed interaction is still necessary. Essentially, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to a satisfactory answer to the former questions and some related aspects. A principal objective is then, to track the routes of the emergence of complex instabilities arising from the mutual interaction of SLs and study their synchronization properties.

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