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D1.2. Database of hypervariable neutral microsatellite loci for all the macrophyte (seagrass and algae) species and populations considered. Development of TAG loci for Z. noltii and Fucus spp

by CCMAR, CSIC, IFREMER (associated)
Output type: data
Available files:
Geographical coordinates for C nodosa.txt
Data Biogeografia Cymodocea nodosa ramets MLGs.xls
Metadata SW UK Fucus sampling locations.pdf

  This deliverable consists on datafiles for microsatellite and TAG loci developed for several seagrass and algae, namely the species Cymodocea nodosa, Fucus vesiculosus, Posidonia oceanica, Zostera marina and Zostera noltii.The datafiles are described in the document D1.2data.pdf.
All files are visible when login as a registered user in this EDEN web. In addition, the files are being made visible to the public as soon as they are formally published.