Los Sistemas Complejos, un paradigma central en el IFISC, se caracterizan por los fenómenos emergentes y colectivos de muchos elementos en interacción. Una comprensión básica de estos sistemas proviene de la Física Estadística, junto con la Teoría de los Sistemas Dinámicos, que incluye el estudio del caos y el efecto de fluctuaciones y sucesos aleatorios en la evolución de estos sistemas. Fenómenos genéricos en estudio incluyen sincronización, transiciones de fase, inestabilidades de no equilibrio, formación de estructuras espaciotemporales, o la dinámica y evolución de redes complejas.
The aging and nonlinear noisey votel model
Invited talk at XX MEDYFINOL (Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics), Santiago de Chile.
Anticipated synchronization in extended systems
Invited talk at International Workshop Predicting Transitions in Complex Systems, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Extremely high precision simulations of Langevin and master equations using weighted-ensemble algorithms
Invited Talk at Workshop Trends in Non-equilibrium Physics, Universidad de Barcelona
Noise-induced transitions versus noise-induced phase transitions
Invited talk at VIII GEFENOL Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, IFISC, Palma de Mallorca
The biased-voter model
Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, Berlin (Germany)
Random walks, flocking, large deviations and Bose-Einstein transition
Invited talk at Reunión de Física Estadística, FISES 2018, Madrid
Birth, death, diffusion and repulsion: a variety of pattern forming instabilities arising from non-local interactions
Talk presented at FisEs2015, the XX congreso de Fisica Estadistica (Badajoz, Spain). October
Inferring hidden variables in complex networks
Poster presented at the 3rd LINC workshop, Potsdam, Germany
Networks of fluid transport in the ocean
Poster presented in FisEs14, XIX Reunion de Fisica Estadistica (Ourense, Spain). April
Competitive patterns of interacting random walkers
Talk at the 3rd Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems, Mallorca, September 9, 2013, and at the Institüt für Physik, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, November 21. A shorter version was presented at Dynamics Days 2013, Madrid.
Mobility and flow effects across biological scales
Invited talk at the MPDE'13 (Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology) conference in Osnabrueck, August 26
Dynamical properties of two delay-coupled lasers: on spectra, correlations and synchronisation
talk at SPIE 2012 Photonics Europe Conference, Brussels (Belgium)
Generalized synchronization of nonlinear oscillators: How to understand and how to detect?
invited talk at NeFF-Symposium on Non-linear and model-free Interdependence Measures in Neuroscience, 26.-27. April 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
Chaotic Delayed Maps and Their Natural Measure
Heterogeneity effects on the synchronization and entrainment of coupled circadian oscillators
Talk at the NOLTA 2012 meeting, Palma de Mallorca. Session on Modelling Nonlinear Brain Dynamics: Synchronization, Diversty, and Noise
Course on Non-linear Dynamics and Stochastic Processes
10 hours course on the Summer school on statistical physics of complex and small systems, Palma
Fluctuation-dissipation relation in a random-field model
Invited talk at Nonlinear espin and charge transport through nanoscopic systems, Palma
Analytical solution of a stochastic birth and death process including delay
Poster at XVII Congreso de Física Estadística, Barcelona
Social features of online networks: The strength of intermediary ties in online social media
Violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation in disordered systems
Invited talk at Meeting on Fluctuation Phenomena in Interdisciplinary Science, Barcelona
Non-universal results in noise-induced common firing in active rotators
Invited talk at SIAM conference on applications of dynamical systems, Snowbird (USA)
Synchronization phenomena in delay-coupled network motifs
Invited Talk at MBI Workshop on New Developments in Dynamical Systems Arising from the Biosciences (March 22-26, 2011), Columbus (OH), U.S.A.
Dynamical properties of delay-coupled networks: on spectra, correlations and network topology
invited talk at XXXI Dynamics Days Europe, 12.-16. September 2011, Oldenburg, Germany
Dynamics and synchronization of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers: New chances and challenges
Invited Talk at AMP Satellite Meeting, Delay Differential Equations in Applications, July 12-17, 2011, Vancouver, Canada
Dynamics and Synchronization of Delay-Coupled Systems: Lasers meet the brain
Invited Talk at Colloquium „Order and Chaos in Physical Systems: Analysis and Control“ at TU Berlin, 18th February 2011, Berlin, Germany
Information processing using delay systems
invited talk at 2nd International Conference on “LOW COST HIGH PHYSICS AND APPROPRIATE SOLUTIONS TO REAL LIFE PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”, 6 – 8 December 2011, Yaounde, Cameroon
Semiconductor Lasers: Properties, types and applications
invited talk at 2nd International Conference on “LOW COST HIGH PHYSICS AND APPROPRIATE SOLUTIONS TO REAL LIFE PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”, 6 – 8 December 2011, Yaounde, Cameroon
Horizontal visibility graphs discriminate randomness from chaos
Talk presented at the conference "NET-WORKS 2010: From theory to applications of complex networked systems" (
Threshold model with external influence
Red Temática: Dinámica y fenómenos colectivos de sistemas socieconómicos 2do. Workshop.
Velencia, Spain.
Dynamics of mutually delay-coupled systems: From Lasers to Neurons
Synchronization without Correlation
External noise-induced phenomena in nonlinear surface reactions
XVI Workshop of Statistical Physics (FisEs09), Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, 10-12 de Septiembre de 2009
Frigatebirds follow Lagrangian Coherent Structures (alternative title: Flying on top of ocean highways)
Talk presented at LAPCOD2009
Constructive effects induced by heterogeneity: an application to a model for opinion formation
From microscopic dynamics to macroscopic evolution equations (and viceversa)
Self-similarity of complex networks and hidden metric spaces
Phase and polarization synchronization in vectorial oscillators
Simple non-local models of population dynamics. Continuum description and influence of advection.
Localized structures in the parametrically driven CGLE
Noise induced transition from an absorbing phase to a regime of stochastic spatiotemporal intermittency
Noise beyond the ears: Stochastic processes. Some biological applications (in Spanish)