
(Las publicaciones están accesibles en base de datos en http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept)

San Miguel, M. "Polarization Properties of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers". en "Semiconductor Quantum Optoelectronics", Eds. A. Miller, M. Ebrahimzadeh and D.M Finlayson. Institute of Physics, Bristol, 339-366. 1999. Review paper

Salazar, R., Toral, R. "Scaling Laws for a System with long-range Interactions within Tsallis statistics". Physical Review Letters, 83, 4233-4236. 1999.

Cartwright J. H. E., González, D. L., Piro, O. "Nonlinear Dynamics of the Perceived Pitch of Complex Sounds". Physical Review Letters82, 5389-5392. 1999.

Alstrom, P., Eguiluz, V. M., Colding-Jorgensen, M., Gustafsson, F., Holstein-Rathlou, N. "Instability and 'Sausage-String' Appearance in Blood Vessels during High Blood Pressure". Physical Review Letters 82, 1995-1998, 1999.

Neufeld, Z., López, C., Haynes, P.H. "Smooth-filamental transition of active tracer fields stirred by chaotic advection". Physical Review Letters 82, 2606. 1999.

Serra, Ll., Barranco, M., Emperador , A., Pi, M., Lipparini Spin, E. "Density longitudinal response of quantum dots". Physical Review. B 59, 15290. 1999.

Emperador, A., Barranco, M., Lipparini, E., Pi, M., Serra, Ll. "Density functional calculations of magnetoplasmons in quantum rings". Physical Review B 59, 15301. 1999.

Ibañes, M., Garcia-Ojalvo, J., Toral, R., Sancho, J.M. "Noise-Induced Phase Separation: Mean-Field Results". Physical Review E 60, 3597. 1999.

Sánchez, E., Matías, M.A. "Transition to rotating chaotic waves in arrays of coupled Lorenz oscillators". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 2335-2343. 1999.

Hernández-García, E., Hoyuelos, M., Colet, P., Montagne, R., San Miguel, M. "Satiotemporal chaos, localized structures and synchronization in the vector complex Ginzburg-Landau equation". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 2257-2264. 1999.

Eguiluz, V. M., Hernández-García, E., Piro, O., Balle, S. "Frozen spatial chaos induced by boundaries". Physical Review. E 60, 6571-6579. 1999.

Hoyuelos, M., Hernández-García, E., Colet, P., San Miguel, M. "Defect-freezing and Defect-unbinding in the Vector Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation". Computer Physics Communications, 121-122, 414-419. 1999.

Calvo, O., Cartwright, J. H. E., González, D. L., Piro, O., Rosso, O. "A Three-Frequency Resonances in Dynamical Systems". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 9, 2181-2188. 1999.

Gahl, A. and Balle, S. "Influence of the Confinement Factor on the Wavelength-Dependent Output Properties of a Tapered Traveling Wave Semiconductor Amplifier". IEEEPhotonics Technology Letters, 11, 1375-1377. 1999.

Giudici, M., Ackemann, T., Barland, S., Tredicce, J. R. and Balle, S. "Polarization Dynamics in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers with Optical Feedback: Experiment and Model". Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16, 2114-2123. 1999.

Garcia-Ojalvo, J., Casademont, J., Mirasso C. R., Torrent, M. C. and Sancho, J. M. "Coherence and Synchronization in Diode-Laser Arrays with Delayed Global Coupling". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 9, 2225-2230. 1999.

Eguiluz, V. M., Hernández-García, E., Piro, O. "Boundary Effects in The Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 9, 2209-2214. 1999.

Cartwright J. H. E., Eguíluz, V. M., Hernández-García, E., Piro, O. "Dynamics of Elastic Excitable Media". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 9, 2197-2202. 1999.

Alvarez, A., Hernández-García, E., Tintoré, J. "Noise-induced flow in quasigeostrophic turbulence with bottom friction". Physics Letters A 261, 179-182. 1999.

Izus, G., Santagiustina, M., San Miguel, M., Colet, P. "Pattern formation in presence of walk-off for a Type-II optical parametric oscillator". Journal of the Optical Society of America B 16, 1592-1596. 1999.

Salazar, R., Toral, R. "Hybrid Simulated Annealing using Tsallis Statistics". Computer Physics Communications 121-122, 40-42. 1999.

Balle, S., Tolkachova, E., San Miguel, M., Tredicce, J. R., Martín-Regalado, J. and Gahl, A. "Mechanisms of Polarization Switching in single-transverse-mode VCSELs: Thermal shift and Nonlinear Semiconductor dynamics". Optics Letters 24, 1121-1124. 1999.

Salazar, R., Toral, R., Chakrabarti, A. "Phase Behavior of Binary Fluid Mixtures Confined in a Model Aerogel". Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 15, 175-181. 1999.

Heil, T., Mulet, J., Fischer, I., Elsasser, W. and Mirasso, C.R. "Statistical Properties of low Frequency Fluctuations under Single Mode Operation in DFB lasers: Experiments and Modelling". Optics Letters 24, 1275. 1999.

Sintes, T., Baumgartner, A., Levine, Y. K. "Translational Diffusion of flexible lipid chains in a Langmuir Monolayer". Physical Review. E60, 814-820. 1999.

Mayol, C., Toral, R. and Mirasso, C. "Lyapunov Potential Description for Laser Dynamics". Physical Review A 59, 4690-4698, 1999.

Cartwright J. H. E., González, D. L., Piro, O. "Universality in Three-Frequency Resonances". Physical Review. E 59, 2902-2906. 1999.

Spencer, P.S. and Mirasso, C.R. "Analysis of optical chaos synchronisation in frequency detuned external cavity VCSELs". IEEE Journal of Quantum. Electronics 35, 803-809. 1999.

Mirasso, C., van Tartwijk, G., Hernández-García, E., Lenstra, D., Lynch, S., Landais, P., Phelan, P., O'Gorman, J., San Miguel, M., and Elsasser, W. "Self-Pulsating Semiconductor Lasers: Theory and Experiment" IEEE Journal of Quantum. Electronics 35, 764-770, 1999.

Mulet, J. and Mirasso, C. "Numerical Statistics of Power Drop-Outs Based on the Lang-Kobayashi Model". Physical Review E 59, 5400-5405. 1999.

Gahl, A, Balle, S., San Miguel, M. "Polarization Dynamics of Optically Pumped VCSELs". IEEE Journal of Quantum. Electronics 35, 342-351. 1999.

Mariño, I.P., Perez-Muñuzuri, V., Pérez-Villar, V., Sánchez, E., Matías, M.A. "Interaction of chaotic rotating waves in coupled rings of chaotic cells". Physica D 128, 224-235. 1999.

Sánchez, E., Matías, M.A., Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. "An experimental setup for studying the effect of noise on Chua's circuits". IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems-I 46, 517-520. 1999.

Eguíluz, V. M., Alstrom, P., Hernández-García, E., Piro, O. "Average Patterns of Spatiotemporal Chaos: a Boundary Effect". Physical Review. E 59, 2822-2825. 1999.

Sánchez-Díaz, A., Mirasso, C. R., Colet, P. and García-Fernández, P. "Encoded Gbit/s Digital Communications with Synchronized Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers". IEEE Journal of Quantum. Electronics 35, 292-297, 1999.

Colet, P., San Miguel, M., Walgraef, D. "Convective and Absolute Instabilities in the Subcritical Ginzburg-Landau Equation". European Journal of PhysicsB11, 517-524. 1999.

Krishnan, J., Kevrekidis, I. G., Or-Guil, M., Zimmermann, M. G., Bar, M. "Numerical bifurcation and stability analysis of solitary pulses in an excitable reaction-diffusion medium". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 170 (3-4), 253-275. 1999.

Hoyuelos, M., Sinatra, A., Colet, P., Lugiato, L., San Miguel, M. "Spatial pump-meter quantum correlations in a vectorial Kerr medium model". Physical Review A 59, 1622-1632, 1999.

Santagiustina, M., Colet, P., Walgraef, D. and San Miguel, M. "Space inversion symmetry breaking and pattern selection in nonlinear optics". JEOS B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 1, 191-197, 1999.

Sintes T., Baumgartner, A., and Levine, Y. K. "Lateral Diffusion of Flexible Lipid Chains. A Dynamic Monte-Carlo study". International Journal of Modern Phys. C 10, 341-354. 1999.

Gallego, R., San Miguel, M., Toral, R. "Domain Growth and Coarsening Inhibition in a non-Potential System". Computer Physics Communications,121-122, 324-326. 1999.

Puente, A., Casas, M., Plastino, A. "Fisher's Information, and Semiclassical Methods", Phys. Rev. A. 59, 3211-3217. 1999

Plastino, A. R., Rigo, A., Casas, M., Garcias, F., Plastino, A. "Supersymmetric approach to quantum systems with position-dependent effective mass". Phys. Rev. A 60, 4318-4325. 1999.

Casas, M., Plastino, A., Pérez, J., Rigo, A. "Quantum Inference as an under-determined linear problem and the collective of accessible states". Physica A, 269, 476-492. 1999.

Plastino, A. R., Plastino, A., Da Silva, L.R., Casas, M. "Dynamical thermostatting divergenceless phase space flows, and KBB systems". Physica A 271 343-356. 1999.

Rigo, A., Casas, M., Plastino, A., Serra, Ll. "Approximate density matrices for spherical metal clusters". Phys. Rev. B 60, 2117-2121. 1999.

Casas, M., Puente, A., Rigo, A., Davidson, N. J., Quick, R. M., Fortes, M., Solís, M. A., De Llano, M., Navarro, O., Valladares, A. A. "BEC-Driven Superconductivity in the Cuprates". Int. J. of Modern Physics B 13, 3489-3491. 1999.

Puente, A., Serra, LL. "Oscillation Modes of Two-Dimensional Nanostructures within the Time-Dependent Local-Spin-Density Approximation". Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 3266-3269. 1999.

Serra, LL., Puente, A., Lipparini, E. "Orbital current mode in elliptical quantum dots". Phys. Rev. B 60, R13966-R13969. 1999.

Lipparini, E., Barranco, M., Emperador, A., Pi, M., Serra, Ll. " Transverse dipole spin mode in quantum dots". Phys. Rev. B 60, 8734-8742. 1999.

Mirasso, C., Spencer, P., Colet, P., Sánchez-Díaz, A., K. A and P. García Fernández.. "Shore, Synchronization of Chaotic diode lasers: Application to Data Encryption". Proc. SPIE vol. 3625, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VII, San José, USA. 1999.

Colet, P., Gallego, R., Hernández-García, E., Hoyuelos, M., Oppo, G.L., San Miguel, M., Santagiustina, M. "Two dimensional vectorial localized structures in optical cavities" en " Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications" Proceedings of the Topical Meeting. Optical. Society of America (Washington DC, 1999). ISBN: 1557525870

Cartwright, J. H. E., Feingold, M., Piro, O. "An Introduction to Chaotic Advection". en "Mixing: Chaos and Turbulence", H. Chate, E. Villermaux, J.-M. Chomaz, editors, 307-342. Kluwer,1999. ISBN: 0306461951

Alstrom, Preben; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Gustafsson, Finn; Holstein-Rathlou, Niels-Henrik, "'Sausage-String' Patterns in Blood Vessels at High Blood Pressures" en 'Statistical Mechanics of Biocomplexity', Proceedings of the XV Sitges Conference, Pages: 24-37 Reguera, D., Vilar, J.M.G., Rubi, J.M. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999) ISBN/ISSN: 3540662456

Agrawal, G., Ning, C.N. and San Miguel, M. Editors of "Special issue on spatial and polarization dynamics of semiconductor lasers". J. Optical Society of America B vol. 16 (11). Noviembre , 1999.

Matías, M. Co-Editor . International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol. 9, nº 11 y 12. Noviembre y diciembre de 1999.

Toral, R. Coeditor del volumen especial 121-122 de Computer Physics Communications (North-Holland ) correspondiente a los "Proceedings of the Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics"

Publicaciones aceptadas o enviadas para su publicación en 2000:

Alvarez, A., Hernández-García, E., Tintoré, J. "On the effect of small-scale oceanic variability on topography-generated currents". Geophysical Research Letters (2000).

Alvarez, A.; Lopez, C.; Riera, M.; Hernández-García, E.; Tintore, J., "Forecasting the SST space-time variability of the Alboran Sea with genetic algorithms" Preprint

Alvarez, A.; Hernández-García, E.; Tintore, J.,"On the topographic rectification of ocean fluctuations" Preprint

Calvo, O., Cartwright, J.H.E., González, D.L., Piro, O., Sportolari, F. "Three-Frequency Resonances in Coupled phase-Locked Loops" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.(2000).

Eguíluz, V. M., Ospeck, M.; Choe, Y.; Hudspeth, A.J.; Magnasco, M.O." Essential nonlinearities in hearing" Preprint

Eguíluz, V. M.; Hernández-García, E.; Piro, O., "Boundary-forced spatial chaos" Preprint

Eguíluz, V. M.; Hernández-García, E.; Piro, O., "Boundary effects in extended dynamical systems" Preprint

Eguíluz, V. M., Zimmerman, M., "Transmission of information in a financial market" Preprint, Cond-mat/9907068

Gallego, R., San Miguel, M., Toral, R. "Selfsimilar Domain Growth, Localized Structures and Labyrinthine Patterns in Vectorial. Kerr Resonators". Physical Review E .(2000).

Gallego, R; Walgraef, D; San Miguel, M; Toral, R "Numerical and analytical study of the 3w parametrically forced complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation" Preprint.

Giacomelli, G., Giudici, M., Balle, S., Tredicce, J. R., "Experimental evidence of coherence resonance in an optical system". Physical Review Letters (2000).

Hernández-García, E.; Hoyuelos, M.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M., "Dynamics of localized structures in vectorial waves" Preprint

Hoyuelos, M., Walgraef, D., Colet, P., San Miguel, M., "Patterns arising from the interaction between scalar and vectorial instabilities in two-photon resonant Kerr cavities" Preprint

Lopez, C., Neufeld, Z., Hernández-García, E., Haynes, P., "Chaotic advection of reacting substances:Plankton dynamics on a meandering jet" Preprint.

Mangioni, S., Deza, R., Toral, R., Wio, H. "Nonequilibrium phase transitions induced by multiplicative noise: effects of self-correlation". Physical. Review. E. (2000).

Montagne,R., Hernández-García, E. "On some localized solutions of coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations" Preprint

Neufeld, Z., López, C., Hernández-García, E., Tel, T., "The multifractal structure of chaotically advected chemical fields" Physical Review E. (2000).

San Miguel, M. and Toral, R. "Stochastic effects in physical systems". En "Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VI". Pags. 35-130. Eds. Enrique Tirapegui, Javier Martínez, and RolandoTiemann (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 0792361296). 2000.

San Miguel, M., Balle, S., Mulet, J., Mirasso, C.R., Tolkachova, E. and Tredicce, J.R. "Combined effects of semiconductor gain dynamics, spin dynamics and thermal shift in polarization selection in VCSELs". Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VIII, SPIE Proc. 3944, (2000).

Sánchez, E., Matías, M. Pérez-Muñuzuri, A. "Chaotic synchronization in small assemblies of driven Chua's circuits". V. IEEE Transactions in Circuits & Systems-I (2000).

Sintes, T., Baumgartner, A., Levine, Y. K. "Coarse-Grained Continuum model for molecular diffusion in a lipid monolayer". J. of Molecular Liquids 84, 77-88. (2000).

Sintes, T., Sumithra, K., Straube, J. , "Adsorption of semiflexible polymers on flat homogeneous surfaces" Preprint

Taki, M., San Miguel, M., Santagiustina, M. "Order parameter description of walk-off effect on pattern selection in degenerate optical parametric oscillators". Physical Review E. (2000).

Toral, R., San Miguel, M., Gallego, R. "Period Stabilization in the Busse-Heikes Model of the Kuppers-Lortz Instability". Physica A. (2000).

Toral, R.,. Mirasso, C., Hernández-García, E. and Piro, O. "Synchronization of Chaotic Systems by Common Random Forcing" en ."Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations" UPON'99: second international conference. D. Abbott, editor. American Institute of Physics (Melville, NY, 2000). ISBN: 1563968266

Velez, P.; Alvarez, A., Colet, P., Tintore, J., Haney, R: L:, "Stochastic resonance in the thermohaline circulation". Preprint

Xi, H., Toral, R., Gunton, J.D., Tribelsky, M. I. , "Extensive Chaos in the Nikolaevskii Model". Preprint

Zimmermann, M. G., Toral, R., Piro, O., San Miguel, M. "Noise induced transition from an absorbing phase to a regime of stochastic spatiotemporal intermittency". Preprint..

Zimmermann, M., Solari, H.G., and Natiello, M.A. "Global bifurcations of higer codimension in a Laser with injected signal". Preprint.

Mateos, J. J., Gómez, E., Garcias, F., Casas, M., Cerdà, V. "Rapid 90Sr/90Y determination in water samples using a sequential injection method". Applied Radiation and Isotopes.

Plastino, A. R., Puente, A., Casas, M., Garcias, F., Plastino, A. "Bound states in quantum systems with position dependent effective masses". Revista Mexicana de Física (2000).

Puente, A., Plastino, A. R., Casas, M., Garcias, F., Plastino, A. "Fisher information and quantum systems with position dependent effective mass". Physica A (2000).

Plastino, A. R, Casas, M., Plastino, A. "A nonextensive maximum entropy approach to a family of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations". Physica A (2000).

Rigo, A., Casas, M., Garcias, F., Moya De Guerra, E., Sarriguren, P. "Single-particle momentum distribution in sodium clusters: dependence on deformation". Revista Mexicana de Física (2000).

Barranco, M., Colletti, L., Emperador, A., LipparinI, E., Pi, M., Serra, LL. "Wave-vector dependence of spin and density multipole excitations in quantum dots". Phys. Rev. B (2000).

Serra, LL., Pi, M., Emperador, A., Barranco, M., Lipparini, E. "Longitudinal modes of quantum dots in magnetic fields". Eur. Phys. J. D (2000).

Puente, A., Casas, M., Serra, Ll. "A semiclassical approach to the ground state and density oscillations of quantum dots". Physica E (2000).
