Ackemann, T., INLN - Nice and IMEDEA. "Polarization patterns in sodium
vapor and VCSELs - Part II". 11 enero 1999.
Sintes, T. "Soot, how it forms, how it makes things dirty". 22 enero 1999.
Pla, O., Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (Madrid)-CSIC. "Competition,
efficiency and collective behavior in the "El Farol" bar model" 25 enero
Spadaro, A., Dpto. Economía y Empresa, UIB. "Problemas de control
óptimo en economía" 1 febrero 1999.
Giudici, M., IMEDEA - Dpto. Física UIB. "Coherence resonance in
an optical system". 15 febrero 1999.
Solari, H. G., Dept. de Física de Univ. de Buenos Aires. "Laser
with Injected Signal beyond Intuition". 22 febrero 1999.
Xi, H., Physics and Astronomy Dept. and Bowling Green State Univ. (EEUU)
"Some basic thoughts on spatiotemporal chaos". 23 febrero 1999.
Xi, H., Dept of Physics and Astronomy and Bowling Green State Univ. (EEUU).
"Survival of the fittest: Genetic Algorithms". 26 febrero 1999
Santagiustina, M. Curso sobre "Ultrashort Nonlinear Optical Pulse Generation
and Propagation". Marzo-Abril 1999.
Bonifacio, R., Dip. di Fisica, Universita degli Studi di Milano. "Time
as an statistical variable and intrinsic decoherence". 5 marzo 1999.
Zimmermann, M. "A pedestrian tutorial on the spatial prisoner’s dilemma
and other social games".12 marzo 1999
Mirasso, C. "Quantum Dot Lasers: an Introduction". 19 marzo 1999.
Sumithra, K. FG Theoretische Physik, Martin Luther Universitaet, Halle-Wittenberg
(Germany). "Stochatically driven ratchets and their application in Biology".
25 marzo 1999.
Hernández-García, E. "Chaos, Advection, and Plankton Inhomogeneity
on the Sea Surface". 12 abril 1999.
Weiss, C. O., PTB Braunchsweig, Alemania. Vortices and cavity solitons
in optical systems. 16 abril 1999.
Balle, S. "Efectos de ganancia espectra en el switching de polarización
en VCSELs. Calidad del haz en amplificadores ópticos de semiconductor:
curva de ganancia y confinamiento óptico". 19 abril 1999
Wio, H., Centro Atómico Bariloche, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche
(Argentina). "Nuevos Aspectos en Resonancia Estocastica: (i) Ruidos Correlacionados,
(ii) Resultados Exactos en Sistemas Monoestables" . 28 abril 1999.
Álvarez, A. Dept. of Physics, Nacional Central University, Taiwan
and Dept. de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes Balears. " Predicción
climática mediante técnicas de programación evolutiva:
Aplicación al fenómeno de El Niño ". 4 Mayo 1999
Izús, G. "Noise-sustained optical structures in nonlinear quadratic
cavities". 17 mayo 1999
Álvarez, A. Dept. of Physics, Nacional Central University, Taiwan
and Dept. de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes Balears. "Localización
de ondas acústicas en tres dimensiones". 24 mayo 1999.
Klonowski, W., Institute of Biocybernetics & Biomedical Engineering
, Polish. Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. "Nonlinear Dynamics in Biosignal
Analysis". 26 mayo 1999.
Piro, O. "Nonlinear dynamics of the perceived pitch of complex sounds."
11 junio 1999.
Magnasco, M. O., The Rockefeller University. "Proofreading knots: a conjecture
on Class II topoisomerases." 14 junio 1999.
Moloney, J. Advance Center for Mathematical Studies and Optical Sciences
Center, University of Arizona, Tucson. "An optically turbulent atmospheric
light guide". 16 Junio 1999.
Torruellas, W. Photonics Laboratory, Washington State University. "Solitons
of singly resonant optical parametric oscillators". 18 junio 1999.’
Moloney, J. Advanced Center for Mathematical Studies and Optical Sciences
Center, University of Arizona, Tucson. "Modeling Semiconductor Amplifiers
and Laser Structures" 29 junio 1999.
Tredicce, J., Instituto No Lineal de Niza e IMEDEA. "Independencia de las
condiciones de borde en los VCSELs del IMEDEA". 9 julio 1999.
Gomila, D. "Fluctuaciones y correlaciones en un pattern hexagonal". 16
julio 1999.
Ackemann, T., University of Muenster. "Spatial Solitons in a Single Mirror
System". 30 agosto 1999.
Lamprecht, C., Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Innsbruck,
Austria. "Quantized atom-field dynamics in unstable cavities". 7 septiembre
Tribelsky, M. Fukui University (Japan). "Soft mode turbulence: What is
it?" 9 septiembre 1999.
Esteban, J.M., Instituto de Análisis Económico de Barcelona.
"Conflict and Distribution". 21 septiembre 1999.
Eguiluz, V. M. "The Prisoner's Dilemma in an adaptive network". 22 octubre
Spadaro, A. Dpto de Economía y Empresa UIB. "Visión socioeconómica
del dilema del prisionero espacial". 3 noviembre 1999.
Díaz, M. Universidad Miguel Hernández – Elche. "Láseres
basados en polÌmeros semiconductores luminiscentes". 5 noviembre
Salazar, R., Dep. Fisica – UIB. "Tsallis non-extensive Statistical Mechanics".
10 noviembre 1999.
Toral, R. "Métodos Pseudospectrales listos para usar". 17 noviembre
Santagiustina, M., IMEDEA and Universita di Padova: "Polarization Patterns
and Vectorial Defects in Type II Optical Parametric Oscillators" 24 Noviembre
Barland, S. INLN-IMEDEA. "Phase-space techniques for steering laser transients"
3 Diciembre 1999
Coffey, W. T. Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Trinity
College, Dublin. "Thermal Relaxation Rates for Nearly Uniaxial Spin Systems"
10 Diciembre 1999.
Martinez Eguiluz, V. Lectura de tesis: "Complex Dynamics of Biological,
Physical and Socio-economical Systems" 13 Diciembre 1999.
Tarazona, P., Dept. de Fisica Teorica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad
Autonoma de Madrid "Cristalizacion de esferas duras: Teoria de la medida
fundamental" 14 Diciembre 1999.
Vulpiani, A., Universita' "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia. "Exit-time approach
to the 'epsilon-entropy'" 16 Diciembre 1999.
Seminarios del TAO Study Centre: "Transport in the Atmosphere
and the Oceans" (Septiembre 1999):
Garçon, V. Modelling carbon dioxide in the ocean.
Martin, A, Plankton mixing at the mesoscale: introduction and observations
Aumont, O, Influence of large scale circulation on distributions of biogeochemical
Garçon, V. Sensitivity to parametrization of upper ocean turbulence
Martin, A. A quick guide to plankton modelling and early models of "patchiness"
Biferale L., Anisotropic fluctuations in turbulence
Le Quere, C. Interannual variability of the ocean carbon cycle
Aumont, O. What controls the biological production in the oceans?
Garçon V, The role of mesoscale variability on plankton dynamics.
Martin, A. Approaches to the analysis of plankton stirring and mixing.
Cardin, V.R. Winter heat fluxes in the Adriatic sea
Ursella, L. Signal propagation along the Italian shelf
Le Quere, C. Global warming impact on ocean biogeochemistry
Karolyi, G. and Scheuring, I. Biological and chemical evolution in open
Aumont, O. Constraining air-sea fluxes af CO2 and O2 with atmospheric observations
Martin, A. Filaments, fronts and Fisher's equation
Le Quere, C. Paleoclimatic variations in the ocean carbon
Alisse, J. R. and Vanneste, J. Small-scale mixing by turbulent patches
and its impact on large-scale tracer distributions/Characteristics of turbulent
patches in the stratosphere
Legras, B. Atmospheric chemistry for non-chemists (tutorial lecture)
Pasmanter, R. Metric structures of laminar flows
Nepomnyaschy, A. Models of crystal growth
Mironov, D. LES study of convection and rotation
Chaves, M. Eddy viscosity in the Navier-Stokes equations
Chertkov M. Passive advection in nonlinear medium
Hernández-García E. Filaments and multifractals in advected
chemicals and planktonic communities
Nepomnyaschy, A. Heat convection in a system with an interface
Richards, K. Mixing in the equatorial Pacific
Chertkov M. Lagrangian methods for predicting passive scalar fields
Ditlevsen, P. Climate dynamics from paleoclimatic data analysis
Zeitlin V. Anomalous transport by nonlinear waves
Noullez A. RELIEF - a new way to measure turbulent velocity.
Etling, D. Wake vortices in stably stratified flows
van Heijst, G. J. Advection properties of perturbed and interacting vortices
Boffetta, G. Lagrangian motion in laminar and turbulent flows
Maassen, S. How to quantify transport in a linear array of vortices?
Hernández-García, E. Noise rectification in quasigeostrophic
forced turbulence
Nazarenko, S. Dynamical modelling of subgrid scales in 2D flows
Lacorata, G. Finite time Lyapunov exponents with drifters and balloons
Rupolo, W. Lagrangian data and OGCM
Nielsen, A. H. and Clercx, H.J.H. Two-dimensional turbulence in a bounded
Zambianci, E. Observations in the Adriatic and Markovian models
Faggioli, D. Analysis of simulated Lagrangian trajectories in the North
Cartwright, J.H.E. Transport and mixing in laminar flow: 2D versus 3D
Chavanis P.H. Did planet formation occur in vortices?
Nycander, J. Lagrangian tracking of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Fincham, A. Laboratory investigations of vortices
Pasquero, C. PDFs in barotropic turbulence
Berloff, A. Mixing and dynamics of two-gyre ocean model
Young, B. On plankton patchiness
Naulin, V. Homogenization of potential vorticity
González, J. Development of a diagnostic mass-consistent wind model
Weiss, J. High Re geophysical turbulence: how much is enough?
Cartwright, J.H.E. Is the perfect Lagrangian drifter an impossible dream?