This is the Unit that manages the computational resources at IFISC. It aims at providing the software and hardware configurations most suitable for IFISC scientists. The unit takes care of the following tasks:
- Maintenance of hardware (computational servers, desktops and laptops), of software (operating systems, compilers, libraries and other scientific software) and of IFISC web (public pages, databases and intranet).
- Design and assembly of upgrades for Nuredduna, the main computational cluster, as well as of new computational servers.
- Integration of the network of deskptops and laptops with the computational clusters.
- Advise on algorithms for scientific computation.
The main computer for intensive numerical calculations is nuredduna.
Nuredduna is a High Throughput Computing system
composed of a cluster designed and built at IFISC using out-of-shelf
components with 576 computational cores and an
IBM iDataPlex cluster within the Grid-CSIC initiative to promote
e-science with 544 cores and 96 TB of raw storage.
Other servers at IFISC include: (mail and web server),
dolsa (dhcp, dns, disk server), molinar ...
Transparent access to the cluster and servers is provided through a
fully integrated network of about 30 linux diskless desktops complemented
by several windows desktops and iMacs and around 30 laptops.
The above equipment is complemented by a 44" plotter Epson Stylus Pro
9880 for poster presentations, several laser and laser color printers
and multifunctional systems. IFISC has also developed a specific system
to life webcast seminars and to distribute the recodings on demand at
IFISC web page.