Threshold learning dynamics on lattice network with k = 8
guide for using the applet
- setup button initializes the system.
- Start/Stop allows you to toggle the state of the applet between "running" and "paused".
- num-players is the number
agents in the system.
- threshold is the fraction τ of neighbors agreeing with the external signal required to change to state.
- external-signal is the probability p that the external signal E is in state +1.
- initial condition-plus initial density of agents in state +1 at t = 0.
- Density shows the number of agents in state +1 (blue) and agents in state -1 (red).
- Histrogram B+ shows the probability distribution B(k+) that a node in state +1 has a fraction k+ of neighbors in state -1.
- Histogram B- shows the probability distribution B(k-) that a node in state -1 has fraction of neighbor k- nodes in state +1.
J.C. González-Avella, V.M. Eguíluz, M. Marsili, F. Vega-Redondo, M. San Miguel, Threshold learning dynamics in social networks, arXiv:1008.3083v1, (2010).
Created by J.C. Gonzalez-Avella.