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Simple models for scaling in phylogenetic trees

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Tugrul, Murat; Herrada, E. Alejandro; Eguíluz, V.M.; Klemm, Konstantin
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 805-811 (2010)

Many processes and models --in biological, physical, social, and other contexts-- produce trees whose depth scales logarithmically with the number of leaves. Phylogenetic trees, describing the evolutionary relationships between biological species, are examples of trees for which such scaling is not observed. With this motivation, we analyze numerically two branching models leading to non-logarithmic scaling of the depth with the number of leaves. For Ford's alpha model, although a power-law scaling of the depth with tree size was established analytically, our numerical results illustrate that the asymptotic regime is approached only at very large tree sizes. We introduce here a new model, the activity model, showing analytically and numerically that it also displays a power-law scaling of the depth with tree size at a critical parameter value.

DOI 10.1142/S0218127410026095 
ArXiv Number 0810.3877 
Files NonRandomTreesRESUB.pdf (632352 Bytes)
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