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Excitability Mediated by Localized Structures in Kerr Cavities

Gomila, D.; Jacobo, A.; Matías, M.A.; Colet, P.
PIERS Online 3, 349-353 (2007)

We characterize a scenario where localized structures in nonlinear optical cavities display an oscillatory behavior which becomes unstable leading to an excitable regime. Excitability emerges from spatial dependence since the system locally is not excitable. We show the existence of different mechanisms leading to excitability depending on the profile of the pump field.

DOI 10.2529/PIERS060907134206 
Ficheros Vol3No3Page349to353.pdf (270159 Bytes)
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Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Universitat de les Illes Balears