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Entrainment of Optical Low-Frequency Fluctuations is Enhanced by Coupling

Buldú, J.M.; García-Ojalvo, J.; Torrent, M.C.; Vicente, Raúl; Pérez, Toni; Mirasso, Claudio R.
Fluctuation and Noise Letters 3, 127-136 (2003)

The control of the low-frequency fluctuations exhibited by two mutually coupled semi-conductor lasers is studied experimentally and numerically. We observe that coupling enhances the response of the system to a weak periodic modulation of the injection cur-rent of one of the lasers, leading to a highly efficient entrainment of both laser outputs, in the form of synchronized and periodic power dropouts. We compare the quality of the entrainment with the one obtained in a single semiconductor laser with optical feedback, showing the beneficial role of coupling in this pursuit. The experimental observations are satisfactorily reproduced by numerical simulations of a set of coupled delay-differential rate equations.

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