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Experimental Observation of Coherence and Stochastic Resonances in an Electronic Chua Circuit

Calvo,O.; Gomes, I.; Mirasso, C.; Toral, R.
6th. Experimental Chaos Conference, AIP Proceedings , Eds. S. Boccaletti, B.J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L.M. Pecora and M.L.Spano (2002)

Stochastic and coherence resonances appear in nonlinear systems subjected to an external source of noise and are characterized by a maximum response at the optimal value of the noise intensity. This paper shows experimentally that it is possible to observe them in a {sl chaotic} system. To this end we have analysed an electronic Chua circuit running in the chaotic regime and added noise to its dynamics. In the case of coherence resonance, we observe an optimal periodicity for the jumps between chaotic attractors, whereas in the case of stochastic resonance we observe a maximum in the signal--to--noise ratio at the frequency of an external sinusoidal perturbation.Postcript version

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