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Bidirectional private key exchange using delay-coupled semiconductor lasers

Porte, Xavier; Soriano, Miguel C.; Brunner, Daniel; Fischer, Ingo
Optics Letters 41, 2871-2874 (2016)

We experimentally demonstrate a key exchange cryptosystem based on the phenomenon of identical chaos synchronization. In our protocol, the private key is symmetrically generated by the two communicating partners. It is built up from the synchronized bits occurring between two current-modulated bidirectionally coupled semiconductor lasers with additional self-feedback. We analyze the security of the exchanged key and discuss the amplification of its privacy. We demonstrate private key generation rates up to 11  Mbit/s over a public channel.

DOI 10.1364/OL.41.002871 
Fitxers PorteKeyExchangeOL16draft.pdf (778552 Bytes)
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