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Competition in the presence of aging: dominance, coexistence, and alternation between states

Perez, Toni; Klemm, Konstantin; Eguiluz, Victor
Scientific Reports 6, 21128 (2016)

We study the stochastic dynamics of coupled states with transition probabilities depending on local persistence, this is, the time since a state has changed. When the system has a preference to adopt older states the system orders quickly due to the dominance of old states. When preference for new states prevails, the system can show coexistence of states or synchronized collective behavior resulting in long ordering times. In this case, the magnetization of the system oscillates around zero. Finally we discuss a potential application in social systems.

DOI 10.1038/srep21128 
Identificador ArXiv 1506.08045 
Fitxers srep21128.pdf (839181 Bytes)
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