Masucci, A.Paolo; Kalampokis, Alkiviadis; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Hernández-García, Emilio
Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks (edited by A. Mehler, A. Lücking, S. Banisch, Ph. Blanchard and B. Job) , Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg) 133-151 (2016)
The meaning of a word can be defined as an indefinite set of interpretants, which are other words that circumscribe the semantic content of the word they represent (Derrida 1982). In the same way each interpretant has a set of interpretants representing it and so on. Hence the indefinite chain of meaning assumes a rhizomatic shape that can be represented and analysed via the modern techniques of network theory (Dorogovtsev and Mendes 2013).
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-662-47238-5_6 |
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