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In-phase, out-of-phase and T/4 synchronization of square waves in delay-coupled non-identical optoelectronic oscillators

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Colet, Pere
Optics Express 23 (19), 24785-24799 (2015)

We model two non-identical delay-line optoelectronic oscillators mutually coupled through delayed cross-feedback. The system can generate multi-stable nanosecond periodic square-wave solutions which arise through a Hopf instability. We show that for suitable ratios between self and cross delay times, the two oscillators generate square waves with different amplitude but synchronized in-phase, out-of-phase or with a dephasing of a quarter of the period. We also show that the synchronization is robust to small mismatches in the delay times.

DOI 10.1364/OE.23.024785 
Fitxers oe-23-19-24785.pdf (2760147 Bytes)
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