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Complex quantum networks as structured environments: engineering and probing

Nokkala, Johannes; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta; Maniscalco,Sabrina; Piilo, Jyrki
Scientific Reports 6, 26861 (1-7) (2016)

We consider structured environments modeled by bosonic quantum networks and investigate the probing of their spectral density, structure, and topology. We demonstrate how to engineer a desired spectral density by changing the network structure. Our results show that the spectral density can be very accurately detected via a locally immersed quantum probe for virtually any network configuration. Moreover, we show how the entire network structure can be reconstructed by using a single quantum probe. We illustrate our findings presenting examples of spectral densities and topology probing for networks of genuine complexity.

DOI 10.1038/srep26861 
Identificador ArXiv arXiv:1503.04635 
Fitxers srep26861.pdf (609682 Bytes)
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