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Dynamical quorum sensing and detuning induced synchrony in multilayer systems with repulsive couplings

Zamora-Munt, Jordi; Matias, Manuel A.; Colet, Pere
Submitted , (2017)

We study a system of identical amplitude and phase oscillators with two coupling layers. On one layer interactions are attractive and mediated by a hub (common medium) with a frequency mismatch with respect the oscillators. The other layer is a network of pairwise links, a fraction of which are repulsive. We show that the system undergoes two kinds of dynamical quorum sensing transitions as the number of oscillators is increased depending on the topology and strength of the repulsive links. We also show that the interplay between repulsive links in one layer and moderate frequency detuning in the other can stabilize the in-phase synchronous state.

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Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques Universitat de les Illes Balears