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Spectral and correlation properties of rings of delay-coupled elements: Comparing linear and nonlinear systems

D'Huys, O.; Fischer, I.; Danckaert, J.: Vicente, R.
Physical Review E 85, 056209 (1-5) (2012)

The dynamical properties of delay-coupled systems are currently of great interest. So far the analysis has concentrated primarily on identical synchronization properties. Here we study the dynamics of rings of delay-coupled nodes, a topology that cannot show identical synchronization, and compare its properties to those of linear stochastic maps. We find that, in the long delay limit, the correlation functions and spectra of delay-coupled rings of nonlinear systems obey the same scaling laws as linear systems, indicating that important properties of the emerging solution result from network topology.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056209  
Fitxers PRE-Otti-2012.pdf (403267 Bytes)
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