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Model of the Self-Q-Switching Instability of Passively Phased Fiber Laser Arrays

Bochove, Erik J.; Aceves, Alejandro B.; Braiman, Yehuda; Colet, Pere; Deiterding, Ralf; Jacobo, Adrián; Miller, Casey A.; Rhodes, Charley; Shakir, Sami A.
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 47, 777-785 (2011)

We present a simple model for self-pulsation instability in passively phased high power optical fiber amplifier arrays with external feedback. Its key features are, first, the feedback level's sensitivity, and thus that of the cavity Q-value, to small phase changes of the array fields, and, second, the effect of refractive index nonlinearity in the amplifiers. The model's prediction of an instability threshold for arrays of at least two amplifiers is confirmed by a linearized stability analysis of a system in ring-cavity geometry, and the magnitudes of predicted power levels are well within the domain of recent experiments.

DOI 10.1109/JQE.2011.2112637 
Fitxers Model of Q-switch -- revised version.pdf (651921 Bytes)
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