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Fluid Dynamics of Establishing Left-Right Patterning in Development

Cartwright, Julyan H. E.; Piro, Nicolas; Piro, Oreste; Tuval, Idan
Birth Defects Research (Part C: Embryo Today) 84, 95-101 (2008)

How does the clockwise motion of tens of monocilia drive a leftward flow in the node? And, as the observed flow is leftward, how is the fluid recirculating within the node, as it must, because the node is a closed structure How does the nodal flow lead to left-right symmetry breaking in the embryo? These questions are within the realm of fluid physics, whose application to the problem of left-right symmetry breaking in vertebrates has led to important advances in the field.

DOI 10.1002/bdrc.20127 
Fitxers BirthDefectsResearchCEmbryoToday2008.pdf (412677 Bytes)
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