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The control of laser emission by feedback from a Fabry Perot resonator.

Tronciu, V.; Rusu, S.; Pirtac, C.
Proceedings of the 2-nd International Conference , 197-202 (2008)

We study the method of stabilization and control of the DFB laser emission under the influence of the feedback from Fabry Perot resonator. In contrast to conventional optical feedback from a single mirror, the locus of external cavity modes is not elliptic but represents a tilted eight with possible satellite bubbles. We show that properties of the solitary laser mod can be well controlled by feedback phase. The control emission regions depending on parameters have been found. The possible applications of such devices as a key element of the optoelectronic communication systems are discussed.

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Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques Universitat de les Illes Balears