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Rich-club vs rich-multipolarization phenomena in weighted networks

Serrano, M. Ángeles
Physical Review E 78, 026101 (1-5) (2008)

Large-scale hierarchies characterize complex networks in different domains. Elements at the top, usually the most central or influential, may show multipolarization or tend to club together, forming tightly interconnected communities. The rich-club phenomenon quantified this tendency based on unweighted network representations. Here, we define this metric for weighted networks and discuss the appropriate normalization which preserves the nodes\\\' strengths and discounts structural strength-strength correlations if present. We find that in some real networks the results given by the weighted rich-club coefficient can be in sharp contrast to the ones in the unweighted approach. We also discuss the ability of the scanning of weighted subgraphs formed by the high-strength hubs to unveil features in contrast to the average: the formation of local alliances in multipolarized environments, or a lack of cohesion even in the presence of rich-club ordering. Beyond structure, this analysis matters for correct understanding of functionalities and dynamical processes relying on hub interconnectedness.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.026101 
Identificador ArXiv 0802.3122  
Fitxers PRE78_026101.pdf (174585 Bytes)
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