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Modeling approach to regime shifts of primary production in shallow coastal ecosystems

Zaldívar, J.M.;Bacelar, F.S.; Dueri, S.; Marinov, D.; Viaroli, P.; Hernández-García, E.
Ecological Modelling 220, 3100-3110 (2009)

Pristine coastal shallow systems are usually dominated by extensive meadows of seagrass species, which are assumed to take advantage of nutrient supply from sediment. An increasing nutrient input is thought to favour phytoplankton, epiphytic microalgae, as well as opportunistic ephemeral macroalgae that coexist with seagrasses. The primary cause of shifts and succession in the macrophyte community is the increase of nutrient load to water; however temperature plays also an important role. A competition model between rooted seagrass (Zostera marina), macroalgae (Ulva sp), and phytoplankton has been developed to analyse the succession of primary producer communities in these systems. Successions of dominance states, with different resilience characteristics, are found when modifying the input of nutrients and the seasonal temperature and light intensity forcing.

DOI 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.01.022 
Identificador ArXiv 0804.2499 
Fitxers ZosteraUlva2.pdf (589183 Bytes)
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