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Impact of nonlocal interactions in dissipative systems: towards minimal-sized localized structures

Gelens, L.; Van der Sande, G.; Tassin, P.; Tlidi, M.; Kockaert, P.; Gomila, D.; Veretennicoff, I.; Danckaert , J.
Physical Review A 75, 063812 (1-4) (2007)

In order to investigate the size limit of spatial localized structures in a nonlinear system, we explore the impact of linear nonlocality on their domains of existence and stability. Our system of choice is an optical microresonator containing an additional metamaterial layer in the cavity, allowing the nonlocal response of the material to become the dominating spatial process. In that case, our bifurcation analysis shows that this nonlocality imposes another limit on the width of localized structures going beyond the traditional diffraction limit.

DOI 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.063812 
Fitxers PhysRevA_75_063812.pdf (209001 Bytes)
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