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Spatio-temporal dynamics of gain-guided semiconductor laser arrays and broad area lasers

Martin-Regalado, J.; Balle, S.; Abraham, N. B.
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices IV, W.W. Chow and M. Osinski, eds. 2693, (1996)

Dynamical behavior of a four-stripe array of semiconductor lasers is modeled in
time and across the transverse spatial dimension for different values of the
injection current, various current and carrier diffusion rates, and different
spacings of the stripes, including the limit in which the lasing regions merge
giving a single broad-stripe laser. Various stages of the dynamics are revealed
as a function of the coupling strength, ranging from quasi-independent operation
of the oscillators under weak coupling of the oscillators through chaotic
modulation under moderate coupling and finally into the formation of stable or
modulated broad area transverse modes under strong coupling.

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Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques Universitat de les Illes Balears