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Parrondo's games and the zipping algorithm.

P. Amengual; R. Toral
Proc. SPIE Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic Dynamics II (eds. Z. Gingl, J.M. Sancho, L. Schimansky--Geier & J. Kertesz) 5471, 203-212 (2004)

We study the relation between the discrete-time version of the flashing ratchet known as Parrondo's games and a compression technique used very recently with thermal ratchets for evaluating the transfer of information - negentropy - between the Brownian particle and the source of fluctuations. We present some results concerning different versions of Parrondo's games, showing all of them a good qualitative agreement between the gain and the inverse of the entropy.

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Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques Universitat de les Illes Balears