\documentstyle[pre,preprint,aps,epsfig]{revtex} \tighten \begin{document} \title{Fluctuations and Correlations in the Polarization Patterns of a Kerr medium} \author{Miguel Hoyuelos, Pere Colet and Maxi San Miguel} \address{Instituto Mediterr\'aneo de Estudios Avanzados, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB),\\ Campus Universitat Illes Balears, E-07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.\cite{www}} \date{December 22,1997} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We study correlations among different components of the spectrum of the light intensity field close to a pattern forming instability associated with the polarization of the light field. In particular we find strong correlations between opposite wavevectors of critical wavenumber and anticorrelations of the zero wavenumber and the critical one. These anticorrelations are a manifestation of nonlinear critical fluctuations of the polarization of light. \end{abstract} \pacs{PACS numbers: 42.65.-k, 42.65.Sf, 47.54.+r} \narrowtext \section{Introduction} It is well known that close to an instability point fluctuations become large, as they do for example close to a critical point in an equilibrium phase transition. In an instability leading to pattern formation the spectrum of fluctuations below the instability threshold is peaked around a wave number associated with the spatial periodicity of the pattern which is formed above threshold. In this way the spectrum of fluctuations is a noisy precursor \cite{Wiesenfeld} which identifies a preferred wave number and anticipates the above threshold pattern. This situation has been studied in detail in experiments in fluid dynamics \cite{fluids} where thermal fluctuations are observed below the onset of thermal convection. The fluctuating power spectrum has been used to characterize the selected wave number and for a quantitative measurement of the strength of thermal fluctuations. A first basic wavevector selection process is of linear nature and, for an isotropic system, determines the modulus of the wavevector of fastest growth. This is reflected in a ring of maximum power in the below threshold spectrum. The selection of a discrete set of wavevectors within this ring is a nonlinear process in which the correlations among the wavevectors with same modulus play a definite role. The discrete set of selected modes determine the pattern which is formed above threshold. Such correlations among the linearly selected wavevectors, which were not previously analyzed in fluid systems, have been recently considered \cite{quantumimages} in pattern forming nonlinear optical systems \cite{optpatt,grynberg}. Correlations can be here understood in terms of process involving the simultaneous emission of twin photons. In addition, these systems present some important peculiarities which make the study of these correlations particularly interesting. First the power spectrum of fluctuations below threshold is easily observed as the far field intensity pattern. Second the fluctuations have contributions of quantum origin (quantum noise) and the observed correlations can encode specific features of quantum statistics. Thirdly, patterns here are spatial structures of a light field, and light has a vector character which very naturally leads to the study of vectorial correlations. This vector character is associated with the polarization of light which is an additional degree of freedom leading to polarization patterns. In this paper we analyze such correlations close to an instability leading to a polarization pattern. Specifically we consider an optical cavity filled with a nonlinear optical material, in this case an isotropic Kerr medium. The cavity is pumped with an external linearly polarized input field (which we take as $\hat x$-polarized). This situation is described by a vectorial version of the the scalar model of Lugiato and Lefever \cite{lugi,firth} in which a Turing optical instability was described. The generalization to account for the vectorial degree of freedom of light was described by Geddes et al \cite{gedd}. For a selfdefocusing medium no pattern forming instability occurs when neglecting the vector character of the field \cite{footnote}. However, in the vector model a roll $\hat y$-polarized pattern emerges, beyond an instability, on the top of an $\hat x$-polarized homogenous background \cite{gedd}. We find two types of strong correlations which can be physically understood in terms of individual fourwave mixing processes: a) Among the wavevectors with linearly selected wavenumber a maximum correlation between opposite vectors occurs. This is a linear phenomenon that can be found outside the critical region of fluctuations. It is related to symmetry breaking by the pump field. b) An anticorrelation is found between the zero wavevector of the spectrum of fluctuations (associated with the $\hat x$-polarized component) and the ring of linearly selected wavevectors (associated with the $\hat y$-polarized component). This anticorrelation is a manifestation of nonlinear critical fluctuations and, therefore, only observed very close to threshold. We also study these two types of correlations above threshold, showing that indeed the correlations below threshold anticipate properties found in the pattern that emerges above threshold. Our results here are obtained within a semiclassical approach in which specific features of quantum statistics are neglected. The obtained anticorrelations between the two polarization components of the light field in the pattern formation process opens the way to the search for quantum noise aspects of these anticorrelations \cite{alicia} \section{Description of the model} The dynamics of the electric field inside an optical cavity with a Kerr medium can be described, in the mean field approximation, by two equations for the independent components of the scaled slowly varying amplitude of the field \cite{gedd,hoyuelos}, \begin{equation} \frac{\partial E_\pm}{\partial t} = -(1 + i\eta \theta) E_\pm + i a \nabla^2 E_\pm + E_0 + i\eta [ A |E_\pm|^2 + (A+B) |E_\mp|^2] E_\pm, \label{emasmenos} \end{equation} where $E_\pm$ are the circularly right and left polarized components of the field, $E_0$ is an $\hat x$-linearly polarized input field, $\eta=+1 \ (-1)$ corresponds to a self-focusing (self-defocusing) medium, $\theta$ is the cavity detuning, $a$ represents the strength of diffraction and $\nabla^2$ is the transverse Laplacian. $A$ and $B$ are parameters related to the components of the susceptibility tensor $\chi$. We consider an isotropic medium for which $A + B/2 = 1$ ($B \le 2$). The circularly polarized components of the field are expressed in terms of the $\hat x$ and $\hat y$ linearly polarized components $E_x$ and $E_y$ as \begin{equation} E_\pm = (E_x \pm iE_y)/\sqrt{2}. \end{equation} Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}) has an $\hat x$ polarized homogeneous symmetric solution in which $E_{s+}=E_{s-}=E_s$, \begin{equation} E_0 = E_s (1 - i\eta (2I_s - \theta)), \label{estationary} \end{equation} where $I_s= |E_s|^2$. It is well known that the homogeneous solution (\ref{estationary}) presents bistability for $\theta > \sqrt{3}$. We will restrict ourselves here to the non-bistable regime $\theta < \sqrt{3}$. We note that Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}) has also an asymmetric solution ($E_{s+} \neq E_{s-}$). We will not consider the asymmetric solution in this work because it is only relevant for high values of the input field, above the first instability threshold of the symmetric solution \cite{hoyuelos}. We are here concerned with correlations close to this instability threshold. To analyze the stability of the homogeneous steady state $E_s$, as well as the effect of the fluctuations in this state, we consider perturbations of the form \begin{equation} E_\pm = E_s + \psi_\pm \label{perturba} \end{equation} in Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}). The linear stability analysis \cite{gedd,hoyuelos} shows that there are two modes that can become unstable: a symmetric mode (S) with $\psi_+ = \psi_-$, and an asymmetric mode (A) with $\psi_+ = -\psi_-$. In the selffocusing case the mode that becomes unstable is the symmetric one. As the unstable mode has the same polarization than the input field this situation can be described with a scalar model \cite{lugi,firth}. In two transverse dimensional systems this instability leads to an hexagonal stationary pattern. We are here interested in the instability of the asymmetric mode which occurs in the selfdefocusing case. This instability leads to the growth of the component of the field orthogonally polarized to the driving field \cite{gedd,hoyuelos}. In the linear regime one finds, \begin{equation} E_\pm = E_s \pm \psi, \label{6} \end{equation} and, \begin{eqnarray} E_x &=& \sqrt{2} E_s \nonumber \\ E_y &=& -i \sqrt{2} \psi, \label{exey} \end{eqnarray} The instability threshold is located at $I_s^c = 1/B$ and the instability occurs at a critical wavenumber $k_c$, \begin{eqnarray} k_c = \sqrt{(\theta + 1 - 2/B)/a}, \;\;\mbox{for } \theta > 2/B - 1 \nonumber \\ k_c = 0, \;\;\mbox{for } \theta \leq 2/B - 1. \label{k_c} \end{eqnarray} For $\theta > 2/B - 1$ a stationary stripe pattern emerges in the $\hat y$-polarized component, while the $\hat x$-component remains homogeneous. Above this instability we find, therefore, for the total field an elliptically polarized pattern with spatially periodic ellipticity. From an experimental point of view an interesting aspect of this situation is that it is possible to separate the finite wavenumber component of the field (pattern) from the homogeneous part by simply using a polarizer. \section{Correlations below threshold} In order to study correlations below the threshold of pattern formation we need to introduce sources of noise in our description. We follow here the approach already used to study fluctuations in the one-dimensional and scalar version of this problem \cite{aguado}: In a semiclassical description of the problem we can represent different sources of fluctuations by adding Gaussian white noise $\xi_\pm(\vec x,t)$ with zero mean and correlations to the right hand side of Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}), \begin{eqnarray} \langle \xi_i(\vec x,t) \xi_j^*(\vec x',t') \rangle & = & 2 \epsilon^2 \delta_{ij} \delta(\vec x - \vec x') \delta(t-t') ,\nonumber \\ \langle \xi_i(\vec x,t) \xi_j(\vec x',t') \rangle & = & 0 , \label{correlations} \end{eqnarray} where the subindices $i$, $j$ stand for the circularly polarized components $\pm$. Slightly below threshold noise excites fluctuations of all wavenumbers. However, the wavevector $k_c$ which is going to become unstable at threshold is much less damped than the rest of the modes and, as a consequence, is singled out in the power spectrum of the field. Because a pattern is not yet formed, the excited wavevectors have random directions. In the far field (Fourier transform of the near field) there is a ring of higher intensity with a radius equal to $k_c$. In Fig. \ref{far_near} we show the intensities $I_x$, $I_y$ of the far field of the two components of the field $E_x$, and $E_y$, slightly below the threshold of instability of the A mode. We also show a snapshot of the spatial configurations of the two components of the electric field (near field) \cite{algorithm}. The far field of the $\hat x$-polarized component has a single peak at zero wavenumber, while the $\hat y$-polarized component displays the characteristic ring. The near field of the $\hat x$-component shows a noisy homogeneous pattern. The $\hat y$-component in the near field is also homogeneous if a long time-average is taken. A configuration at a fixed time shows a disordered structure. This structure reveals a characteristic less stable wavenumber $k_c$ when averaged, for noise reduction, over a short time interval. We next analyze the correlations among the wavevectors in the ring of the $\hat y$-polarized far field. We fix one of these vectors by choosing the point $\vec k' = (k_c,0)$ in the plot of Fig. \ref{far_near}, and calculate its correlation with any other wavevector. This is given by the correlation function, \begin{equation} C_1(\vec k) = \langle \delta I_y(\vec k') \delta I_y(\vec k) \rangle, \label{8} \end{equation} where $\delta I_y(\vec k)$ is the fluctuation of the intensity, $\delta I_y(\vec k) = I_y(\vec k) - \langle I_y(\vec k) \rangle $, and $I_y(\vec k) = |E_y(\vec k)|^2$ (equivalent expresions hold for the $\hat x$-component). Brackets $\langle ... \rangle$ stand for time average. In Fig. \ref{C1}(a) we plot $C_1(\vec k)$ for a distance to threshold $I_s = 0.98 I_s^c$ (same parameters as in Fig. \ref{far_near}). We can see a selfcorrelation at $\vec k = \vec k'$ and another peak at $ \vec k = -\vec k'$. We also calculate the correlation $C_1$ along the ring as a function of the angle $\alpha$ between $\vec k$ and $\vec k'$, taking $|\vec k|=|\vec k'|=k_c$. In this case we can select different vectors $\vec k'$ on the ring, calculate the correlation $C_1$ for each one of these vectors, and obtain an average. In Fig. \ref{C1}(b) we plot $C_1$ versus $\alpha$ and the correlation at $\alpha = \pi$ is clearly displayed. As we get closer to the threshold we can expect an enhancement of the correlation since fluctuations become larger. This is, indeed, the case as we can see in Fig. \ref{C1}(c), where we plot $C_1$ as a function of $\alpha$ for a distance to threshold $I_s = 0.999 I_s^c$. Since we are considering correlations below threshold, we may think that the system is not far from the homogeneous solution and fluctuations could be described within a linear analysis. If we linearize Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}) around that solution, we find for the $\hat x$ and $\hat y$ components of the fluctuations $\delta E_x$ and $\delta E_y$, \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial \delta E_x}{\partial t} &=& - [ 1 + i\eta (\theta - 2I_s) - ia \nabla^2 ] \delta E_x + i\eta 2I_s (\delta E_x + \delta E_x^*) + \xi_x(\vec x,t) \nonumber \\ \frac{\partial \delta E_y}{\partial t} &=& - [ 1 + i\eta (\theta - 2I_s) - ia \nabla^2 ] \delta E_y + i\eta I_s B (\delta E_y^* - \delta E_y) + \xi_y(\vec x,t). \label{xy} \end{eqnarray} where $\delta E_x = E_x - \sqrt{2} E_s$ and $\delta E_y = E_y$. These equations show that $\delta E_x$ and $\delta E_y$ are linearly uncoupled. The correlations in the far field of $E_y$ described above can be understood considering Eq. (\ref{xy}) for the $\hat y$ component in Fourier space, \begin{equation} \frac{\partial \delta E_y(\vec k)}{\partial t} = - [ 1 + i\eta (\theta - 2I_s) + ia k^2 ] \delta E_y(\vec k) + i\eta I_s B (\delta E_y^*(-\vec k) - \delta E_y(\vec k)) + \xi_y(\vec k,t). \label{yk} \end{equation} Eq. (\ref{yk}) shows a linear correlation between wavevectors $\vec k$ and $-\vec k$ as found in Fig. \ref{C1}(a) and (b). It is important to understand the origin of such correlation: Mathematically it comes from the term $i\eta I_s B (\delta E_y^*(c) - \delta E_y(\vec k))$ which breaks the phase invariance of the equation for the complex amplitude $\delta E_y$. This symmetry breaking term is proportional to $I_s$ which is nonzero because of the pump field $E_0$. The origin of the correlations in the far field of $E_y$ is then traced back to symmetry breaking caused by the pump field, which also breaks the global phase symmetry of Eq. (\ref{emasmenos}). At a microscopic level the correlation between $\vec k$ and $-\vec k$ can be interpreted as a manifestation of the individual four wave mixing process in which there is simultaneous emission of two photons that conserve transverse momentum. In this interpretation these two photons are $\hat y$-polarized and originate in the annihilation of two $\hat x$-polarized photons of the pump field which have zero transverse wavenumber. It is then natural to expect an anticorrelation between the homogeneous $\hat x$-polarized component of the field and the $\hat y$-polarized component. However, Eqs.(\ref{xy}) do not account for this anticorrelation since $\delta E_x$ and $\delta E_y$ are uncoupled. In order to investigate this possible anticorrelation in which an increase of $I_y$ should be accompanied by a decrease of $I_x$, we calculate a second correlation function: \begin{equation} C_2(k) = \langle \delta I_y(k) \delta I_x(0) \rangle, \label{9} \end{equation} $C_2(k)$ does not take into account the angle of $\vec k$, but it only depends on its modulus $k$. $\delta I_x(0)$ represents the fluctuations of the homogeneous part of the $\hat x$-component of the field. $\delta I_y(k)$ is the average over orientations of $\vec k$ of the fluctuations of $I_y$ in Fourier space. Specifically, taking $\vec k = (k \cos \phi, k \sin \phi)$, we define $\delta I_y(k)={1\over 2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi}{\delta I(k\cos\phi,k\sin\phi)d\phi}$. $\delta I_y(k)$ at $k = k_c$ corresponds to the fluctuations of the $\hat y$-polarized precursor of the pattern. If we calculate $C_2$ for the same parameters as in Fig. \ref{far_near}, where the distance to threshold is $I_s = 0.98 I_s^c$, we do not obtain any anticorrelation. From our analysis of Eq. (\ref{xy}), we know that if these anticorrelations exist they have to originate in nonlinear terms. Nonlinearities become important close to the critical point where fluctuations are enhanced. In Fig. \ref{C2}(a) we plot $C_2(k)$ in a situation much closer to threshold, $I_s = 0.999 I_s^c$. For these parameters we enter the critical nonlinear regime and, in agreement with our previous reasoning, we do now find an anticorrelation at $k = k_c$. In summary, below the threshold for pattern formation there is a linear correlation between the fluctuations of $\vec k$ and $-\vec k$ in the $\hat y$-polarized far field. These fluctuations and correlations become larger in the critical region. In addition there is a critical nonlinear anticorrelation between the fluctuations of the $\hat x$ and $\hat y$-polarized fields which has the same physical origin. \section{Correlations above threshold} The results discussed in the previous section are for pumping intensity below the threshold for pattern formation. We now consider the situation above this threshold. We show that the same type of correlations are found. This shows that correlations among the fluctuations below threshold anticipate the features to be observed in the coherent pattern that emerges above threshold. There are two additional reasons for this above threshold analysis. First, experimental measurements of far field correlations have been already done above threshold in pattern formation in nonlinear optical systems \cite{grynberg}. Second, as already mentioned, the correlations studied here between the two polarization components of the field in the pattern formation process open the way to search for quantum noise aspects of these correlations. Quantum noise aspects close to an instability have been studied either below or above the instability threshold \cite{quantumimages,castelli}. Above threshold a stripe structure is developed in the $\hat y$-component of the field, see Fig. \ref{above_thr}. In the $\hat x$-component also appears a stripe structure, produced by nonlinear couplings with the $\hat y$-component, but of smaller amplitude; the main contribution to the far field (Fourier transform) is still the homogeneous mode. The far field of the $\hat y$-component has two dots that indicate the arbitrary direction chosen by the system to develop the stripes. To calculate $C_1$ above threshold we choose the vector $\vec k'$ corresponding to one of the dots in $I_y(\vec k)$, as shown in Fig. \ref{above_thr}. As in the previous section, we can calculate the correlation $C_1$ between $\delta I_y(\vec k')$ and $\delta I_y(\vec k)$ in the whole plane or along a ring of radius $k_c$ (we do not average over different positions of $\vec k'$ in the circle, since it is fixed in one of the bright dots of $I_y(\vec k)$). Both results are shown in Fig. \ref{C1_above} with similar results as those obtained for the case below threshold. In Fig. \ref{C1_above}(a) we see a peak showing the selfcorrelation at $\vec k = \vec k'$, and another peak at $\vec k = -\vec k'$. In Fig. \ref{C1_above}(b) we plot $C_1$ as a function of the angle $\alpha$ in the ring of radius $k_c$, and we find, as expected, a strong correlation at $\alpha = \pi$. The main difference between Figs. \ref{C1} and \ref{C1_above} is that we now have a coherent pattern so that fluctuations in the ring of radius $k_c$ are largely suppressed in comparison with the mean value of $I_y$ in the two peaks of the power spectrum. These peaks characterize the pattern with a well defined orientation (see Fig. \ref{far_near}). We have also calculated the anticorrelation between $I_x(0)$ and $I_y(k_c)$ above threshold. In this case we calculate $C_2$ in the direction determined by the two bright dots in the far field of the $\hat y$ polarized intensity $I_y(\vec k)$ (see Fig. \ref{above_thr}). The result, shown in Fig. \ref{C2}(b), displays the anticipated strong anticorrelation. \section{Acknowledgements} Financial support from the European Union TMR network QSTRUCT (Project FMRX-CT96-0077) and from DGICYT Project PB94-1167 (Spain) is acknowleged. We also acknowledge helpful discussions with L. Lugiato. M. H. wants to acknowledge financial support from the FOMEC project 290, Dep. de Fisica FCEyN, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina. \begin{figure} \vspace*{10cm} \psfig{figure=figure1.ps,width=14cm} \caption{From left to right and from top to bottom: $I_x(\vec x)$ (near field), $I_x(\vec k)$ (far field), $I_y(\vec x)$ (near field), $I_y(\vec k)$ (far field). Parameter values: $I_s = 0.98 I_s^c$ (below threshold), $a=1$, $\theta=1$, $\eta=-1$, $\epsilon^2=10^{-5}$ and $B=3/2$. $I_x(\vec x)$ and $I_y(\vec x)$ were averaged over 100 samples separated $\Delta t = 0.02$ to reduce noise. $I_y(\vec k)$ was averaged over 40000 samples separated $\Delta t = 0.5$.} \label{far_near} \end{figure} {\psfig{figure=figure2a.ps,width=12cm} \vspace*{-10cm}} \psfig{figure=figure2b.ps,width=12cm} \pagebreak \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=figure2c.ps,width=12cm} \vspace*{-10cm} \caption{Correlation $C_1$, see Eq. (\protect\ref{8}). (a) $C_1$ shown as a function of $k_x$ and $k_y$ for $I_s = 0.98 I_s^c$; (b) $C_1$ calculated along the ring $k=k_c$ as a function of $\alpha$ for $I_s = 0.98 I_s^c$; and (c) $C_1$ versus $\alpha$ for $I_s = 0.999 I_s^c$. The rest of the parameters are the same as in Fig. \protect\ref{far_near}. For these parameters $k_c=0.82$. Results obtained after averaging over 40000 samples separated $\Delta t = 0.5$} \label{C1} \end{figure} \pagebreak \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=figure3.ps,width=12cm} \caption{Correlation $C_2(k)$, see Eq. (\protect\ref{9}). Same parameters as in Fig. \protect\ref{far_near} except $I_s$. In (a), $I_s = 0.999 I_s^c$. In (b), $I_s = 1.05 I_s^c$ (above threshold). Results obtained after averaging over 10000 samples separated $\Delta t = 0.5$} \label{C2} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \vspace*{10cm} \psfig{figure=figure4.ps,width=14cm} \vspace*{-3cm} \caption{Results above threshold. From left to right and from top to bottom: $I_x(\vec x)$ (near field), $I_x(\vec k)$ (far field), $I_y(\vec x)$ (near field), $I_y(\vec k)$ (far field). Same parameters as in Fig. \protect\ref{far_near} except $I_s = 1.05 I_s^c$. It is not here necessary to take an average of the near field intensities over a short time since the amplitude of the pattern is much greater than the noise amplitude. The far field intensities are also clearly seen without averaging. Extreme values of the intensities in the near field are: $I_x(\vec x) \rightarrow (1.326,1.356), \; I_y(\vec x) \rightarrow (0,0.113)$} \label{above_thr} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \psfig{figure=figure5.ps,width=12cm} \caption{Correlation $C_1$ above threshold (see Eq. (\protect\ref{8})) shown as a function of $k_x$ and $k_y$ (a), and calculated along the ring $k=k_c$ (b). Same parameters as in Fig. \protect\ref{far_near} except $I_s = 1.05 I_s^c$. Results obtained after averaging over 3000 samples separated $\Delta t = 0.5$} \label{C1_above} \end{figure} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem[*]{www} Electronic address: http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept/ \bibitem{Wiesenfeld} K. Wiesenfeld, J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 38} , 1071 (1985). \bibitem{fluids} I. Rehberg, S. Rasenat, M. de la Torre Ju\'arez, W. Sch\"opf, F. H\"orner, G. Ahlers and H. R. Brand, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 596 (1991); M. Wu, G. Ahlers, D. S. Cannell, Phys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 75}, 1743 (1995). \bibitem{quantumimages} A. Gatti, H. Wiedemann, L. A. Lugiato, I. Marzoli, G-L. Oppo and S. Barnett, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 56}, 877 (1997); A. Gatti, L. A. Lugiato, G-L. Oppo, R. Martin, P. Di Trapani and A. Berzanskis, Opt. Expr. {\bf 1}, 21 (1997); L. A. Lugiato, S. Barnett, A. Gatti, I. Marzoli, G-L. Oppo, H. Wiedemann, {\it Coherence and Quantum Optics VII} (Plenum Press), 5 (1996). \bibitem{optpatt} {\it Nonlinear Optical Structures, Patterns, Chaos}, edited by L. A. 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