\documentstyle[aps,preprint]{revtex} \def\baselinestretch{1.2} \textheight 8.5in \topmargin .0in \textwidth 6in \oddsidemargin .25in \evensidemargin 0in \parskip .25in \pagestyle{myheadings} \begin{document} \baselineskip 24pt \title{Mode Competition in a Fabry P\'{e}rot Semiconductor laser: \\Travelling Wave Model with asymmetric dynamical gain} \author{M. Homar, S. Balle and M. San Miguel} \address{ Departament de F\'\i sica, Universitat de les Illes Balears and\\ Instituto Mediterr\'aneo de Estudios Avanzados, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)\\ E--07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain\\ } \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} We report and discuss our main results for the multimode dynamics of a Fabry-P\'{e}rot laser in different situations above threshold: mode beating and mode-hopping. A Travelling Wave approximation has been used together with a model with an asymmetric dynamical gain for the semiconductor laser which captures important features needed for the understanding of multimode dynamics. \end{abstract} \newpage \section{Introduction} Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers usually exhibit a multi-longitudinal mode behavior which is revealed in their power spectra. The relative power of the longitudinal modes varies with pump current, while the competition among them is influenced by several physical mechanisms such as spontaneous emission noise, spatial hole burning (SHB), spectral hole burning, and carrier diffusion. This competition gives rise to a variety of dynamical phenomena which most notably include mode-beating and mode-hopping. Mode-beating modulates in fast time scales the total output power, while mode-hopping involves jumps of dominant mode \cite{ohtsu,gray}. Multimode semiconductor dynamics has been usually described within a rate equation framework \cite{lee,TSM}. In this framework a fixed number of modes is considered. The modes have different and given gain coefficients which introduce in the model the frequency dependence of the gain curve. This approach neglects the changes in the spectral dependence of the gain and refraction index with carrier number. It also neglects SHB and coherent couplings associated with phase dynamics and phase-amplitude coupling. Some of these shortcomings can be partially overcome in more ellaborated descriptions \cite{mandel}, which are still based on a mode decomposition of the field and neglect the fast polarization dynamics. A rather different approach involves the direct solution of the traveling wave (TW) equation for the field within the laser cavity \cite{fleck,marga} which avoids a priori assumptions on the spectral structure of the field. In the TW description, the field equation is coupled to equations for the material variables describing the active medium, so that the frequency dependent gain is dynamically determined and coherent couplings are fully taken into account. An analysis of multimode dynamics based on a TW model has been recently reported \cite{marga}. However, the active medium was described by Bloch equations for a two level system. This is a conceptually simple situation which captures important mechanisms needed for the understanding of multimode dynamics, but it does not account for specific properties of the semiconductor medium. In particular, a two level model gives a lorentzian lineshape with maximum gain (for zero detuning) at the frequency where the carrier-induced refraction index vanishes. A semiconductor medium is known to have an asymmetric gain curve with maximum gain at non-zero refraction index. This gives rise to the linewidth-enhancement factor $\alpha$ \cite{henry}. In order to match the typical measured values of $\alpha$ with the detuning in a two level system, lasing away from resonance must be artificially enforced, which is not possible within a TW model \cite{marga}. It is then natural that some of the rich phenomenolgy of multimode semiconductor dynamics is not described when using a two level system. In particular, in the study of \cite{marga} mode hopping was never observed. A more refined description of the semiconductor medium can follow two different avenues. One is a fully microscopic approach \cite{koch}, with its obvious advantages and the disadvantages of computational cost, complication and associated low level of physical intuition. A different approach is to use simpler models \cite{agrawal,salvador}, which within the simplicity of a two-level model, incorporate in a phenomenological way the main results of microscopic analyses. In this paper we use one of those models, which has been recently introduced for the semiconductor medium dynamics \cite{salvador}, together with a TW approach for the field within the laser cavity. Ref. \cite{salvador} discusses the physical basis of the model and describes its consequences for the steady state complex susceptibility and subthreshold behavior (amplified spontaneous emission spectrum). Here we report results for the multimode dynamics above threshold. Thus, our full modeling incorporates a wave description of the field, a selfconsistent frequency dependent gain and refraction index (with asymmetric shapes), full coherent couplings, carrier diffusion and the effects of spontaneous emission noise. In addition to the main qualitative results of \cite{marga} on the factors influencing multimode behavior, we find that complicated mode-hopping dynamics can occur, mostly as a consequence of the changes induced in the modal gain by spatial hole burning. The number of active modes increases with pumping level, and it is strongly influenced by carrier diffusion. Strong diffusion washes out mode competition leading to essentially single mode behavior. A low diffusion level allows for several competing modes, leading to mode-beating and mode-hopping. The paper is organized as follows. Sect.II describes the main features of our model. In Sect. III we summarize the subthreshold behavior of our model and we determine the threshold characteristics. Sect. IV contains the discusssion of our main results for the multimode dynamics in different situations above threshold. \section{Model} For the semiconductor laser we consider a planar structure which, for angular frequencies around a reference frequency $\omega_c$ supports only the fundamental TE mode \cite{agrawal2}, whose propagation constant is close to $k_c \equiv \omega_c n/c$, $n$ being the effective background refraction index for the TE mode. The slowly-time-varying amplitude of the TE-mode, ${\rm E}(z,t)$, along the Fabry Perot cavity ($z$ direction) is governed by Maxwell's equations, which contain a source term associated with the nonlinear electrical polarization of the semiconductor medium. We assume perfect confinement of the carrier density to the active zone, which we consider thin enough for carrier diffusion to homogenize the carrier density in the transverse direction, so that within the active zone the carrier density varies only longitudinally. With these considerations, the relevant variables for the modeling of the semiconductor medium are the longitudinal carrier density, ${\rm N}(z,t)$, and ${\rm P}(z,t)$, the slowly-time-varying distribution of the projection of the nonlinear polarization of the medium onto the fundamental TE mode. Our model is based on coupled equations for $E(z,t)$, $N(z,t)$, and $P(z,t)$. It distinctive feature is an evolution equation for the nonlinear polarization based on an approximate calculation of the nonlinear electric susceptibility of a semiconductor medium \cite{salvador}, \begin{equation} \partial_t {\rm P} = \left[ -\gamma_p + i (\omega_c - \omega_g) \right] {\rm P} - i a ({\rm N} - {\rm N_t} + i \alpha_0 {\rm N_t}) {\rm E} \; . \end{equation} This equation is similar to that of a two-level system except for the emergence of a new parameter $\alpha_0$. This parameter yields an asymmetric gain spectrum, shifting the frequency of the gain peak away from the zero dispersion frequency and originating a carrier-induced shift of the frequency of the gain peak. The parameter $a$ determines the differential gain and it is given by an effective electric dipole element which incorporates a geometrical factor, $\gamma_p$ is the decay rate for the nonlinear polarization, and $\omega_g$ locates the gain peak with respect to $\omega_c$. In addition, the carrier density dependence of $\gamma$ (arising from the enhancement of the carrier-carrier scattering rate for increasing carrier density) and $\omega_g$ (associated with carrier-induced band gap renormalization) are considered in a linear approximation of the form \begin{eqnarray*} \gamma_p &=& \gamma_0 ( 1 + \rho D ) \\ \omega_g &=& \omega^0_g + \gamma_0 \sigma D \end{eqnarray*} where $D\equiv ({\rm N-N_t})/\rm N_t $ and $\rm N_t $ is the material transparency carrier density at frequency $\omega^0_g$. The polarization decay rate (which sets the bandwidth of the gain spectrum) when $\rm N = N_t$ is $\gamma_0$. The parameter $\rho$ modifies the width and height of the gain curve, thus reducing the differential gain, while $\sigma$ gives a carrier induced shift of the peak of the gain curve. We note that the lorentzian shape of the gain curve in the case $\alpha_0=0$ is not changed by $\rho$ and $\sigma$. Using the slowly time varying approximation in the wave equation for the TE field and scaling space ($s=z/L$, $L$ being the length of the FP cavity) and time ($\tau = c t / L n_g$, where $n_g = [dn/dw]_{\omega=\omega_c}$ is the group index), the coupled equation for $E$, $P$ and $D$ become, \begin{eqnarray} \partial_{\tau} E &=& {i\over 2 q_c} \left(\partial_s^2 E + q_c^2 E \right) + (P - \Lambda_0 E) - \kappa E \; , \label{eqnarray:e} \\ \partial_{\tau} D &=& - \gamma_e (D - D_0 + E ( P - \Lambda_0 E )^* + E^* ( P - \Lambda_0 E ) - \Delta \partial_s^2 D) \; , \label{eqnarray:d} \\ \partial_{\tau} P &=& -\gamma \left\{ \left[ 1 + i \delta + (\rho + i \sigma ) D \right] P - a'(D + i \alpha_0) E - \xi (s, \tau) \right\}\; . \label{eqnarray:p} \end{eqnarray} In these equations $\gamma_e$ ($\gamma$) are the scaled decay rates for the carrier density (polarization), $D_0$ corresponds to the injection current and $\Delta$ is the scaled diffusion constant for the carrier density. In the following we neglect internal losses ($\kappa =0 $) and we set the normalized detuning $\delta=0 $ ($\omega_g^0=\omega_g$), and choose $N_t$ such that $a'=1$. Finally we mention that $\Lambda_0 E$ gives a linear polarization which has to be substracted from $P$ so that there is no not gain when there are no injected carriers ($D=-1$). The constant parameter $\Lambda_0 $ is given by \begin{equation} \Lambda_0 = {1 \over 2} {\alpha_0 \over 1 - \rho} \left( {\alpha_0 \over 1 + \sqrt{1 + \alpha_0 ^2}} + i \right) \end{equation} The spatially distributed noise term $\xi (s, \tau)$ acts as a polarization source and it models independent spontaneous emission process in different points of the cavity. It is taken to be a Gaussian white noise in space and time with zero mean and correlations $\langle \xi(s, \tau) \xi^{*}(s', \tau') \rangle = \beta \delta(\tau - \tau') \delta(s - s')$. The spontaneous emission noise intensity is measured by $\beta$, which we approximate by a constant parameter \cite{lax}. The Travelling-Wave description is obtained by decomposing the electric field amplitude into two counter-propagating waves, \begin{equation} E(s, \tau) = E^{+}(s, \tau)e^{i q_c s} + E^{-}(s, \tau)e^{-i q_c s} \; , \nonumber \end{equation} where $E^{+}(s, \tau)$ is the slowly varying envelope of the electric field propagating forward and $E^{-}(s, \tau)$ is the slowly varying envelope of the electric field propagating backwards. The set of coupled equations for $E^{+}(s, \tau)$, $E^{+}(s, \tau)$, $P(s, \tau)$ and $D$ are obtained as in \cite{fleck,marga}: \begin{eqnarray} \partial_{\tau} E^{+} + \partial_s E^{+} &=& \langle P e^{-i q_c s} \rangle - \Lambda_0 E^{+} \; , \label{eqnarray:e2+} \\ \partial_{\tau} E^{-} - \partial_s E^{-} &=& \langle P e^{i q_c s} \rangle - \Lambda_0 E^{-} \; , \label{eqnarray:e2-} \\ \partial_{\tau} P &=& -\gamma \left\{ \left[ 1 + \left(\rho + i \sigma \right) D \right] P - (D +i \alpha_0)\left( E^{+}e^{i q_c s} + E^{-}e^{-i q_c s} \right) - \xi(s,\tau) \right\} \; , \label{eqnarray:pol2} \\ \partial_{\tau} D &=& - \gamma_e \left[ D - D_0 + \left( E^{+} P ^{*} + E^{-*} P \right)e^{i q_c s} + \left( E^{-} P ^{*} + E^{+*} P \right) e^{-i q_c s}\right. \nonumber \\ &-& \left. 2 Re(\Lambda_0) \left(\vert E^{+}\vert^{2} + \vert E^{-}\vert^{2} + E^{+}E^{-*}e^{2 i q_c s} + E^{-}E^{+*}e^{-2 i q_c s} \right) + \Delta \partial_s^2 D \right] \; . \label{eqnarray:port2} \end{eqnarray} The above set of equations include TW equations for the field which must be solved in conjunction with boundary conditions imposed by the cavity mirrors. This will result in a structure of the field power spectrum without a priori assumptions on the laser longitudinal mode structure. We denote by $r_1$ and $r_2$ the field amplitude reflectivities of the cavity facets placed at $s=0$ and $s=1$, respectively. Thus, our boundary conditions for the field are, \begin{eqnarray} E^{+}(s=0,\tau)&=& r_1 E^{-}(s=0,\tau) \; , \\ E^{-}(s=1,\tau)&=& r_2 E^{+}(s=1,\tau) \; , \end{eqnarray} together with the boundary condition for the longitudinal carrier density \begin{equation} \left[ \partial_s D \right]_{s=0, 1} = 0 \; . \end{equation} % which amounts to require no carrier flow through the laser facets. The spatial variations in polarization and carrier number over wavelength distances can be treated by means of a Fourier series expansion, \begin{eqnarray} P(s,\tau)= e^{i q_c s} \sum_{p=0}^{\infty}P^{+}_{(p)}e^{2i p q_c s} + e^{-i q_c s} \sum_{p=0}^{\infty}P^{-}_{(p)}e^{-2i p q_c s} \; , \label{eqnarray:f1} \\ D(s,\tau)=D_{(0)}(s,\tau) + \sum_{p=1}^{\infty} \left[ D_{(p)}(s,\tau)e^{2i p q_c s} + D_{(p)}(s,\tau)^* e^{-2i p q_c s} \right] \; . \label{eqnarray:f2} \end{eqnarray} Following the procedure in \cite{marga} we truncate the expansion after the first harmonic, keeping only the "grating terms" $p=1$. This truncation gives rise to a set of coupled equations for $E^{\pm}$, $P^{\pm}_{(0)}$, $P^{\pm}_{(1)}$, $D_{(0)}$ and $D_{(1)}$. The set of equations is the same than the one discussed in \cite{marga}, except by the occurrence of terms proportional to $\alpha_0$, $\rho$ and $\sigma$ in the equations for $P^{\pm}_0$ and $P^{\pm}_1$. These new terms incorporate in the TW model the specific properties of gain dynamics in a semiconductor medium. We use the same semi-implicit finite difference integration scheme and integration procedures described in \cite{marga}. Noise sources are only included for $P^{\pm}_0$. The parameter values that we will keep fixed throughtout this paper are given in table I. In Sect. IV we will consider different injection current and carrier diffusion constants. \section{Subthreshold behavior and threshold determination} A basic undestanding of our dynamical model for the semiconductor medium and its implications for the lasing properties and mode competition can be obtained from the analysis of the gain and the refraction index curves obatined in the subthreshold regime \cite{salvador}. In this regime, the only deterministic stable state is the ``off'' solution, characterized by zero values of both $E$ and $P$ and a constant and uniform value of $D = D_0$. Hence, the scaled electrical susceptibility obtained from (\ref{eqnarray:e})-(\ref{eqnarray:p}) is \begin{equation} \label{susc} \Lambda (\omega , D_0) = {D_0 + i \alpha_0 \over 1+\rho D_0 - i (\omega / \gamma - \sigma D_0)} \; , \end{equation} which determines the spectral shape of the material gain, $g (\omega, D) = Re[\Lambda (\omega , D) - \Lambda_0]$, and the spectral dependence of the carrier-induced refraction index change, $\delta n (\omega, D) = Im[\Lambda (\omega , D) - \Lambda_0]$. Therefore, the frequency and carrier density dependent linewidth enhancement factor, $\alpha$, can be obtained as \begin{equation} \label{alfa} \alpha \equiv {\partial \delta n / \partial D \over \partial g / \partial D} \; . \end{equation} In Fig.~1a we show the spectral curve of the material gain for different values of $D_0$ displaying a clear nonlorentzian shape. As can be observed in Fig.~1b, the frequency of the maximum in the gain curve shifts from $\omega_p = -1.4 \gamma$ for $D_0 = -1$ to $\omega_p = 0.2 \gamma$ for $D_0 = 3$, which represents a blueshift of $\sim 7 nm$ (emission wavelength $\sim 0.88 \mu m$). In addition, the maximum value of the gain increases quasi linearly with carrier injection for $D_0 > 0$, reflecting an almost constant differential gain. In Fig.~1d we plot the value of $\alpha$ at the frequency of maximum gain as a function of $D_0$. The threshold for the device can be readily obtained from the deterministic version (i. e. $\xi(s, \tau) = 0$) of equations (\ref{eqnarray:e})-(\ref{eqnarray:p}). By substituting $D = D_0$ in these equations and Fourier transforming in time and space one has the (complex) dispersion relation \begin{equation} \label{qw} \omega - q - i \left[ \Lambda(\omega, D_0) % {D_0 + i \alpha_0 \over 1 + \rho D_0 - i (\omega / \gamma - \sigma D_0)} - \Lambda_0 \right] = 0 \; , \end{equation} where $q \simeq q_c$ has been considered. Also, from the boundary conditions for the electric field, \cite{agrawal2}, one finds $r_1 r_2 e^{2 i q} = 1$, which determines the longitudinal mode complex wavevectors as \begin{equation} \label{modalq} q_m = m \pi - {i \over 2} ln \left( {1 \over r_1 r_2} \right) \; , \; m = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, ... \end{equation} Eqs. (\ref{qw}) and (\ref{modalq}) allow to determine the modal frequencies $\omega_m$. When mode $m$ reaches threshold, which happens for the carrier density value $D_0 = D_m$, its frequency $\omega_m = \Omega_m$ becomes purely real; then, equating to zero the real and imaginary parts of (\ref{qw}) one obtains \begin{eqnarray*} \Omega_m - m \pi &=& Im\left[\Lambda_0 - \Lambda(\Omega_m, D_m) \right]\; , \\ % {\alpha_0 (1 + \rho D_m) + D_m (\Omega_m / \gamma - \sigma D_m) % \over % (1 + \rho D_m)^2 + (\Omega_m / \gamma - \sigma D_m)^2} \; , \\ Re\left[ \Lambda(\Omega_m, D_m) - \Lambda_0 \right]&=& {1 \over 2} ln \left( {1 \over r_1 r_2} \right) \; . % &=& % {D_m (1 + \rho D_m) - \alpha_0 (\Omega_m / \gamma - \sigma D_m) % \over % (1 + \rho D_m)^2 + (\Omega_m / \gamma - \sigma D_m)^2} \; . \end{eqnarray*} This set of equations can be solved numerically for diferent values of $m$, the minimum value of $D_m$ corresponding to the laser threshold, which determines the lasing mode. For our parameter values, we obtain the threshold carrier density $D_{th} \equiv min(D_m) = 0.751$, where mode $m = -7$ (frequency $\nu_{-7} \simeq -1161 GHz$) becomes unstable. Then, from Fig.~1d we expect $\alpha \sim 3.5$ when the laser is on, which should result in important frequency chirp during optical pulse emission. \section{Mode competition} In order to discuss the phenomena of mode competition we have integrated the TW equations starting from random initial conditions for the electric field and for various values of the injection current and carrier diffusion constant. We monitor the time evolution of the electric field amplitude at each point during a time interval of 30ns. The whole set of data points for the output complex electric field amplitude at the right facet, $E^+ (s=1,t)$, is divided in 150 time windows, each of these corresponding to a real time window of $0.18$ $ns$. An FFT in each time window is performed to obtain a time resolved Field Power Spectrum (FPS) which describes the competition among modes. We first recall that for a two level model ($\alpha_0=\sigma=\rho=0$), SHB results in multimode operation that can be washed out for large enough carrier diffusion. For large diffusion single mode operation is obtained not too close to threshold after 4ns. For smaller diffusion the number of active modes increases with injection current and a steady state is reached in which the time resolved FPS is essentially constant. A dominant mode remains fixed and no mode-hopping is observed \cite{marga}. A sample of the main different situations that can be found with the model of Sect. II is summarized in Fig.2 where the the time evolution of the total output power $I(t) = \vert E^+(s=1, t) \vert^2$ and dominant frequency (inset) are shown for different values of the injection current and of the carrier diffusion coefficient. The crucial role of carrier diffusion is again evidentiated. For a diffusion $\Delta = 1.6\ 10^{-5}$ the laser reaches single mode emission after a short transient (Fig. 2a). Residual chirping associated with the carrier density modulation due to relaxation oscillations can be observed in the dominant frequency (see inset). The same qualitative behavior is observed for two levels of injection current, $D=1.1 D_{th}$ or $D=1.8 D_{th}$. For lower carrier diffusion ($\Delta = 0.4\ 10^{-5}$) laser emission becomes multimode, with a number of active modes that depends on the carrier injection level (Figs. 2b and 2c). Close to threshold mode beating between two main modes is observed in the total output power (Fig. 2b) with a fast modulation of $I(t)$ at an oscillation frequency of $171~GHz$ corresponding to the longitudinal mode spacing. The dominant mode remains fixed for long time intervals with occasional exchages with the adjacent mode. The two active modes compete but coexist at all times. Higher above threshold (Fig. 2c) $I(t)$ displays a complicated sustained dynamics which is associated with a recurrent hopping among four (and even five) active modes, as can be observed in the inset. A more direct description of the mode competition in the situation of Fig. 2.e is given by looking at the output power associated with each of the active modes. This is obtained by convolution of the output field with a lorentzian filter ($50~GHz$ HWHM) centered at the different modal frequencies. There are time windows where the laser emits almost in a single mode (e. g. between 12 and 13~ns), but in other time windows as shown in Fig. 3 there are two or more modes actively contributing to the total power. In general, the dominant mode hops in a recurrent way, and it is worth noting that differently to the case in Fig.~2b, some of the active modes switch-on and off without coexisting at all times. The mode hopping dynamics in Fig. 2c can be further evidentiated by looking at the time-resolved FPS, as shown in Fig.4. Mode competition and hopping are clearly displayed, showing time windows of quasi single-mode operation followed by mode hops and time windows of mode coexistence. One can also see the effects of frequency chirp associated with transient relaxation oscillations as a drift in the positions of the modal peaks; this effect is especially clear in the initial regime (before 9~ns, say), and it also induces the characteristic chirp-induced broadening of the modal peaks in the time resolved FPS. We have also plotted the time-resolved FPS corresponding to some of the different time windows considered, which may help the reader to visualize the above dynamics. The same description in terms of FPS (Figs.~5 and 6) for the other cases considered identifies single-mode operation after a short multimode initial transient (Fig.~5, corresponding to Fig.~2a) and the coexistence of two dominant modes (Fig.~6, corresponding to Fig.~2b). In Fig. 6 the Side-Mode Suppresion Ratio (SMSR) is of the order of $10-20 dB$ at most, which means that the two active modes coexist. In the last stages of Figs. 5 and 6, the carrier density has almost relaxed to its steady state, and the FPS clearly displays an asymetric (not lorentzian) shape induced by the parameter $\alpha_0$. The usual discussion of mode competition is based on characteristics of the gain curve. From this point of view one focuses on the changes in the spectral gain curve as the carrier density varies. In our model such variations induce a shift in the location of the maximum of the gain curve (through the combined effect of $\alpha_0$ and $\sigma$) and also modify its width and height (due to $\rho$). In this way, the number of modes which are close to threshold (and which of these modes is the closest to the gain peak) change as the carrier density is modified. The shift in the frequency of the gain peak naturally results in a change of dominant mode (mode-hopping). In our results, this shift is mainly due to the effect of $\sigma$, which we recall that, together with $\alpha_0$, is associated with band-gap renormalization. We have checked that by artificially setting $\alpha_0=0$, mode hopping is still possible within our model when $\sigma \not= 0$. However in this case the resulting linewidth enhancement falctor is very small. In fact, $\alpha_0 \not= 0$ is a necessary ingredient to observe chirping and associated broadened peaks in transient spectra by phase amplitude coupling. We note however that the above explanation for mode hopping relies implicitly on a constant carrier density, as assumed in the calculation of a subthreshold gain curve. This picture might break down for enough above threshold, where in spite of the carrier density being the slow variable of the system, spatial hole burning results in complicated spatiotemporal dynamical behavior. Such complicated dynamics is fully taken into account in our numerical calculations but might not admit a simple intuitive explanation. In summary, we have used a travelling wave model for the optic field inside the cavity together with a modified two-level model for the material variables that yields an asymmmetric gain spectrum. After determining the threshold characteristics for different modes, we have discussed our main results for the multimode dynamics in different situations above threshold: mode beating and mode-hopping. \acknowledgements We have greatly benefited from discussions from N. B. Abraham. This work has been partially supported by Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT, Spain) project TIC95-0563-CO5 and Direccion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica (DGICYT, Spain) project PB94-1167. We also acknowledge financial support from the Human Capital and Mobility Program of the European Union, Contract CHRX-CT94-0594 \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{ohtsu} M. Ohtsu and Y. Teramachi, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., {\bf QE-25}, 31 (1981). \bibitem{gray} G. R. Gray and R. Roy, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, {\bf 8}, 632 (1991). \bibitem{lee} T. L., Ch. A. Burrus, J. A. Copeland, A. G. Dentai and D. Marcuse, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., {\bf QE-18}, 1101 (1982). \bibitem{TSM} C. L. 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In addition, we plot the maximum value in the gain, (dashed line). c) Spectral shape of the carrier-induced refraction index change. d)$\alpha$-value at the frequency of maximum gain as a function of $D_0$. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Time evolution of the total output power, $I(t)$, for different levels of injection current and diffusion coefficients: a)$ D=1.8 D_{th}$ and $D_c= 2 cm^2s^{-1}$ ($\Delta=1.6\ 10^{-5} $); b)$ D=1.1 D_{th}$ and $D_c= 0.5 cm^2s^{-1}$ ($\Delta=0.4\ 10^{-5} $); c)$ D=1.8 D_{th}$ and $D_c= 0.5 cm^2s^{-1}$. In the insets we plot the frequency carrying the highest power in the time-resolved FPS for each case.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Output power associated with different active modes as a fuction of time for $ D=1.8 D_{th}$ and $\Delta=0.4\ 10^{-5} $. (The zero mode is considered the one closest to zero frequency).} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Left pannel: Time-resolved FPS for the case $D=1.8 D_{th}$ and $\Delta=0.4\ 10^{-5} $. The power level is displayed in a time and frequency plot on a 16-level gray scale, with black corresponding to the lowest value and white to the highest. Time runs from $t=0$ to $t=28$ $ns$ on the vertical axis while frequency runs from $-2777.78$ $GHz$ to $0$ $GHz$ on the horitzontal axis. Right pannel: selected samples of the time resolved FPS taken over diferent time windows. The starting time for each window is displayed, and their positions in the left pannel indicated by arrows. } \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Same as Fig.4 but for $ D=1.1 D_{th}$ and $\Delta=0.4\ 10^{-5} $.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Same as Fig.4 but for $ D=1.8 D_{th}$ and $\Delta=1.6\ 10^{-5} $. } \end{figure} \end{document}