\documentstyle[12pt]{article} \def\baselinestretch{1.2} \textheight 9.in \topmargin 0cm \textwidth 6.2in \oddsidemargin .25in \evensidemargin 0in \parskip .25in \pagestyle{myheadings} \begin{document} \title{Transient Dynamics of a Single Mode Semiconductor Laser Subjected to Both \\ Optical Feedback and External Light Injection} \author{Jaume Dellunde$^1$, Claudio R. Mirasso$^2$, M. C. Torrent$^3$, \\ J. M. Sancho$^1$ and Emilio Hern\'{a}ndez-Garc\'{\i}a$^2$} \date{~} \maketitle {}~~~~~ \vspace{-3cm} {\large \noindent 1- Departament d'Estructura i Constituents de la Mat\`eria, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, E-08028, Barcelona, Spain. \noindent 2- Departament de F\'\i sica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, E-07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. \noindent 3- Departament de F\'{\i}sica i Enginyeria Nuclear, EUETIT, Universitat Polit\`{e}cnica de Catalunya, Colom 1, E-08222, Terrassa, Spain.} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{center} {\Large \bf {Abstract}} \end{center} \noindent Transient dynamics of a single-mode semiconductor laser subjected to both weak optical feedback and light injection is studied. Even at detuning values for which injection locking is not effective, turn-on jitter and frequency jitter can be still strongly reduced by either adjusting the length of the external cavity or the detuning. \vspace{0.5cm} \pagebreak Turn-on delay jitter (TOJ) is of considerable importance for practical applications of semiconductor lasers. It causes a degradation of the temporal resolution and it acts as a limiting factor in the performance of high-bit rate optical communication systems. Jitter properties have been extensively studied both experimentally and numerically in the last years [1]-[3]. %\cite{blanes}-\cite{CPM}. Optical feedback is an important effect to take into account when considering the performance of a laser diode in an optical communication system. The effect of feedback on transient dynamics of single-mode semiconductor lasers has been recently studied for both long [4] %\cite{Alan} and short [5] %\cite{CE} external cavity lengths ($L_{ext}$). For $L_{ext}$ of the order of centimeters it has been pointed out that TOJ increases with feedback strength [4]. %\cite{Alan} For short external cavities, up to a few millimeters, the mean turn-on time (MTOT) periodically oscillates when changing the position of the external reflector. The associated TOJ is quite insensitive to the external cavity length when it is very short, but shows large peaks at particular (and periodically spaced) positions of the external mirror [5] %\cite{CE} for external cavities in the range of millimeters. Injection locked semiconductor lasers have been studied under CW [6,7] %\cite{mogensen} and transient dynamics [8,9] %\cite{leiden},\cite{surette} regimes both experimentally and analytically. A small frequency mismatch between the external source of light (master laser (ML)) and the laser (slave laser (SL)) makes the SL to operate in a single-mode regime, yielding also a reduction of jitter and of the frequency chirp [9]. %cite{mohrdiek} Measurements of MTOT have been proposed to detect weak external signals [10]. %\cite{SCMJM}. In this letter we study the transient dynamics of a single-mode semiconductor laser subjected to both weak optical feedback and light injection. In this situation the response of the SL can be separated in three regimes. If the frequency mismatch is small (locking condition), the ML improves SL speed and consequently a reduction of the TOJ and MTOT time will be observed with increasing strength of the injected light. If the frequency mismatch is very large, light injection is inefficient and only the effects of feedback are noticeable. There exists, however, a region in which light injection is inefficient in the absence of feedback but becomes relevant in cooperation with it. An oscillatory dependence of the MTOT and the TOJ on the relative phase between the injected and the feedback fields appears, different from the one of the laser without external light injection. It will be shown that for this region, and for any position of the external reflector (in the range of $L_{ext}$ considered here) there exists an optimum frequency mismatch that gives a large reduction of the TOJ, up to 50 \% the one of the free laser. Alternatively, a similar effect is obtained for fixed detuning at optimal external cavity lengths. Moreover, as will be described below, the TOJ and the switch-on to switch-on frequency jitter (FJ), defined as the fluctuations of the frequency chirp, is such that a decrease in the TOJ yields a decrease of the FJ. This last consequence is very important for pulse propagation in optical fibers [11]. %\cite{CLA}. We describe the transient response of the SL in terms of the noise-driven single-mode rate equations for the electric field and carrier number inside the cavity \begin{eqnarray} \frac{dE}{dt} & = & (1+j\alpha)(G-\gamma)\frac{E}{2}+k_mE_m e^{j t \Delta\omega}+ \kappa e^{-j\omega_s \tau} E(t-\tau) \nonumber \\ & + & \sqrt{2\beta N} \xi(t) \\ \frac{dN}{dt} & = & \frac{I(t)}{e}-\gamma_e N-G P \end{eqnarray} where $G=g(N-N_0)/(1+s P)$, $P=|E|^{2}$ is the light intensity. We use parameter values typical of Multi-Quantum Well lasers: $g=5.6 \times 10^{-8}$ ps$^{-1}$ is the gain parameter, $\alpha=5.5$ is the linewidth enhancement factor, $\gamma=0.4$ ps$^{-1}$ is the inverse photon lifetime, $\gamma_e=5 \times 10^{-4}$ ps$^{-1}$ is the inverse carrier lifetime, $N_0=6.8 \times 10^{7}$ is the carrier number at transparency, $\beta=1.1 \times 10^{-8}$ ps$^{-1}$ is the spontaneous emission rate, $e=1.602 \times 10^{-19}$ C is the electronic charge and the gain saturation coeficient $s=5 \times 10^{-7}$. The SL is coupled to the external cavity, of round trip time $\tau$, through the coupling parameter $\kappa= \frac{\sqrt{R_{ext}} (1-r)}{\tau_L\sqrt{r}}=0.025$ ps$^{-1}$. $R_{ext} \approx 0.016$ is the power external reflectivity, $r = 0.32$ is the power laser-facet reflectivity and $\tau_L=6$ ps is the laser round trip time. $k_m$ is the coupling parameter of the injected field, of amplitude $E_m$ such that $k_m E_m=3$ ps$^{-1}$ (this corresponds to a power of $\sim$ -35 dB with respect to the solitary laser). The random spontaneous emission process is modeled by a complex Gaussian white noise term $\xi(t)$ of zero mean and correlation $<\xi(t)\xi^*(t')>=2\delta(t-t')$. The frequency mismatch between the ML and the SL is $\Delta\omega=\omega_m-\omega_s$. We consider the case of repetitive gain switching, i.e. the injection current of the SL is suddenly changed from a bias current ($I_b$) below the threshold current ($I_t$) to a value well above threshold $(I=3.5 \, I_t)$. We concentrate our discussion on two different ranges of external cavity lengths: $L_{ext} \sim 16 \, \mu m$ and $L_{ext} \sim 750 \, \mu m$. These cavity lengths and feedback reflectivities can be met in diode modules where unwanted reflection coming from lenses, fiber faces, and other package components may affect the laser behavior. These values of $L_{ext}$ allow us to perform some analytical calculations which capture in a general way some of the basic issues of the problem. In addition, numerical simulations are reported. For $\kappa\tau<<1$ we can expand $\kappa E(t-\tau) \approx \kappa E(t) - \kappa \tau \, dE(t)/dt$ in eq.(1). Switch-on events are best analyzed in the reference frame of the ML emitting frequency, i. e. $E(t)={\cal E}(t) e^{j(t \Delta\omega+\phi)}$. We have \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d{\cal E}}{dt}&=&\frac{1}{2}[(1+j\alpha)(G-\gamma) +2\kappa e^{-j\omega_s\tau}-2j\Delta\omega] R e^{j\phi}{\cal E}(t) \nonumber\\ &+&k_m (R E_m)+\sqrt{2(\beta R^2) N} \xi(t) \end{eqnarray} where $R^2 = \left [1+(\kappa\tau)^2 + 2 \kappa \tau \cos{\omega_s \tau} \right ]^{-1}$ and $\phi = \arctan{\left [ \kappa \tau \sin{\omega_s \tau}/ (1 + \kappa \tau \cos{\omega_s \tau)}\right ]}$. The MTOT and TOJ of a semiconductor laser subjected to optical injection were studied in [10] %\cite{SCMJM} in the context of detection of weak optical signals. There, low values of the detuning parameter $\Delta\omega$ produce both MTOT and TOJ reduction, as plotted in figure 1 of ref. [10]. %\cite{SCMJM}. The minimum in that figure is placed at the angular frequency $\omega_m=\omega_s$, meaning that the maximum reduction in the MTOT and TOJ appears when the two lasers are in resonance at the time the amplification becomes first possible, i.e. when the SL reaches the threshold (the frequency there is $\omega_s$) [10]. %\cite{SCMJM}. This idea can be extended in the presence of feedback. In this case, the threshold value for the carrier number from (3) is (during the switch-on of the SL, $P$ is very small and gain saturation effects can be neglected in eqs.(1)-(2)): \begin{equation} N_t=N_0+\frac{\gamma}{g}-\frac{2\kappa\cos(\omega_s\tau-\phi)+2\Delta\omega \sin \phi }{g(\cos \phi -\alpha\sin \phi )} \end{equation} By replacing $N$ by $N_t$ into (3) we obtain at the moment the laser reaches threshold: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d{\cal E}}{dt} & = & -j\frac{R}{\cos \phi -\alpha\sin \phi } [\Delta\omega+\kappa\sin(\omega_s\tau+\arctan \alpha )]{\cal E}(t) \nonumber \\ & + & k_m(R E_m)+\sqrt{2(\beta R^2) N_t} \xi(t)~~~~~, \end{eqnarray} i.e., feedback into the SL results in a shift of its frequency that leads to an effective frequency mismatch ($\Delta \nu =\Delta\omega / 2\pi$) \begin{equation} \label{12} \Delta\nu_{ef}=\frac{R}{\cos \phi -\alpha\sin \phi }[\Delta\nu+\frac{\kappa}{2\pi}\sqrt{1+\alpha^2}\sin(\omega_s\tau+ \arctan \alpha )] \end{equation} According to the ideas of Ref.[10], we get dynamic resonance when $\Delta\nu_{ef}=0$, i.e., from (6), for a detuning \begin{equation} \label{10} \Delta\nu_{min}=-\frac{\kappa}{2\pi}\sqrt{1+\alpha^2}\sin(\omega_s\tau+ \arctan\alpha) \end{equation} which gives the minimum of the MTOT and TOJ. This expression coincides with the frequency shift introduced purely by optical feedback under CW operation [12]. As we mentioned above, feedback and light injection compete for some range of detunings. The minimum detuning value for competition can be estimated from eq.(28) of ref. [10], %\cita{SCMJM} assuming that this expression yields the maximum frequency mismatch for which light injection reduces the MTOT, in our case \begin{equation} \Delta\nu_0 \sim \frac{1}{\pi} \sqrt{(\ln2) \, g \frac{(I-I_t)}{e}(1+\alpha^2)} \end{equation} For $I=3.5 \, I_t$, $\Delta\nu_0 \sim 107$ GHz. The range of competition is limited by the maximum shift that can be introduced by feedback. It is calculated from eq.(6) by taking the maximum value for the sine function: $\Delta \nu_{int}=\frac{\kappa}{2 \pi} \sqrt{1+\alpha^2}\approx 22$ GHz, for our parameter values. This means that the range of frequencies of the SL that can be tuned with this method is of about 44 GHz. It should be mentioned, however, that even when the resonance condition $\Delta \nu_{ef}=0$ is not reached, large reductions of TOJ can be obtained as will be shown below. By changing the values of $I$ and $\kappa$ the range of competition can be varied. We have checked the validity of eq. (7) through numerical simulation of the stochastic differential equations (1)-(2) averaging over $10^4$ turn-on events. The turn-on time is defined as the time the optical intensity takes to reach a 50 \% of the value for the free-running SL in the on-state, and the time jitter as its standard deviation. We plot in figure 1 the value of the $\Delta \nu_{min}$, the detuning value for which the larger MTOT and TOJ reduction is obtained, as evaluated from (7), and the corresponding numerical results for the two ranges of $L_{ext}$. The agreement is good for the whole range of values of the feedback delay time. In fig. 2 we present the results of TOJ vs $L_{ext}$ obtained by solving numerically (1) and (2) for the detuning parameter $\Delta \nu=88$ GHz. For $L_{ext} \sim 16 \, \mu m$ a flat region can be seen with a TOJ around 4.25 ps, which is close to the value of the free laser. However, a large reduction of TOJ, up to 50 \% can be obtained at particular locations of the external reflector. We have checked that the MTOT also presents minima at the same points. For $L_{ext} \sim 750 \, \mu m$ the same qualitative features can be seen, showing that even for much larger external cavities large reductions of TOJ are also obtained. As is evident in the figure, TOJ becomes highly dependent of the distance of the external reflector, for the range of $\Delta \nu$ for which there is a competition between feedback and light injection. It should be noticed that with our $\kappa$ value we can not reach the perfect resonance condition. The reduction of TOJ yields a reduction of the FJ for both ranges $L_{ext}$. This effect can be seen in fig. 3 where we plot the FJ vs. the TOJ for both $L_{ext}$. When TOJ $\sim$ 4.25-4.75 ps, FJ $\sim$ 4-5 GHz, while when TOJ $\sim$ 2.5 ps, FJ $\sim$ 1.6 GHz, i.e. when the maximum reduction of TOJ is reached FJ is about 65 \% less than its value in absence of light injection, an important feature for optical pulses propagating in fibers [11]. In summary, light injection from a master laser can be used to obtain jitter reduction in light pulse generation, even for large frequency mismatches, of the order of 100 GHz, by using external feedback from short external cavities. On the other hand, if a given laser is subjected to an unwanted weak feedback, the use of a master laser with a frequency mismatch as large as 100 GHz, easily available, can be used to improve turn-on jitter and also frequency jitter. Using this method, reductions of time jitter and frequency jitter, up to 50 \% and 65 \%, respectively, their values of the free SL, can be obtained. \vspace{0.25cm} \noindent {\Large{\bf Acknowledgments}} J.D., M.C.T. and J.M.S. acknowledge the Comisi\'on Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog\'\i a, Project PB93-0769-C02-01 and Fundaci\'o Catalana per a la Recerca-Centre de Supercomputaci\'o de Catalunya. The work of C.R.M. and E.H.G. was supported by the Comisi\'on Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog\'\i a, Project TIC93-0744. \pagebreak \noindent \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{} P. Spano, A. Mecozzi, A. Sapia and A. D'Ottavi, ``Noise and Transient Dynamics in Semiconductor Lasers", in ``Third International Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Quantum Phenomena in Optical Systems", ed. by R.Vilaseca and R.Corbalan, Springer-Verlag, (1991) p. 259, and references therein. \bibitem{} A. Weber, W. Ronghan, E. B\"ottcher, M. Schell, D. 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Squares correspond to $L_{ext} \sim 750 \, \mu m$ \end{document}