What are Complex Socio-Technological Systems?
In June 2016 researchers and doctoral students of the IFISC attended the second Workshop on Complex Sociotechnical Systems organized by the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de la Universitat de València, the Asociación para el estudio de los Sistemas Complejos Sociotecnológicos (COMSOTEC) and SocioComplex (Red de Excelencia FIS2015-71795-REDT funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) The conference served as a meeting point to present and discuss the last theoretical and applied advances in the field of study of complex systems in a multidisciplinary environment for researchers, in areas such as physics, mathematics, social sciences or economics.
As a result of this congress, a video has been presented in which some of the attendees, including members of the IFISC, explain what the complex systems are and defend the importance of their study and understanding in today's world.