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Evolutionary and Ecological Trees and Networks

by E. Hernandez-Garcia, E.A. Herrada, A.F. Rozenfeld, C.J.Tessone, V.M. Eguiluz, C.M. Duarte, S. Arnaud-Haond, E. Serrao
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics, ed. by O. Descalzi, O.A. Rosso and H.A. Larrondo, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 913, American Institute of Physics (New York, 2007), pp. 78-83
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Evolutionary relationships between species are usually represented in phylogenies, i.e. evolutionary trees, which are a type of networks. The terminal nodes of these trees represent species, which are made of individuals and populations among which gene flow occurs. This flow can be represented as a network. In this paper we briefly show some properties of these complex networks of evolutionary and ecological relationships. First, we characterize large scale evolutionary relationships in the Tree of Life by a degree distribution. Second, we represent genetic relationships between individuals of a Mediterranean marine plant, Posidonia oceanica in terms of a Minimum Spanning Tree. Finally, relationships among plant shoots inside populations are represented as networks of genetic similarity.